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Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Minecraft, where boundless adventures and astounding features await! Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey with the remarkable collection known as "New KTLeave without kick from 1 time Rich Ready." Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring experience as we present you with an array of free sources for Minecraft that will undoubtedly leave you captivated.
Immerse yourself in this unparalleled assortment, and rest assured that there are absolutely no hidden fees lurking behind the scenes. We take pride in offering you exclusively functional and extensively tested sources that are guaranteed to elevate your Minecraft gameplay to unparalleled heights.
Immerse yourself in this unparalleled assortment, and rest assured that there are absolutely no hidden fees lurking behind the scenes. We take pride in offering you exclusively functional and extensively tested sources that are guaranteed to elevate your Minecraft gameplay to unparalleled heights.
package zxc.minced.client.feature.impl.movement;
import baritone.events.events.player.EventUpdate;
import zxc.minced.client.command.CommandAbstract;
import zxc.minced.client.event.EventTarget;
import zxc.minced.client.feature.Feature;
import zxc.minced.client.feature.impl.FeatureCategory;
import zxc.minced.client.ui.settings.impl.ListSetting;
import zxc.minced.client.ui.settings.impl.NumberSetting;
import zxc.minced.client.utils.math.Randomizer;
import zxc.minced.client.utils.other.ChatUtils;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.network.play.client.CPacketPlayer;
import zxc.minced.client.utils.math.Randomizer;
import static com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript.getUsage;
public class KTLeave extends Feature {
public static NumberSetting CordX = new NumberSetting("CordX", "Координаты X", 15000.0f, -16000.0f, 16000.0f, 1000.0F);
public static NumberSetting CordZ = new NumberSetting("CordZ", "Координаты Z", -12000.0f, -16000.0f, 16000.0f, 1000.0F);
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
public KTLeave() {
super("KTLeave", "телепортирует вас на рандомные координаты", FeatureCategory.MOVE);
addSettings(CordX, CordZ);
public void onPreMotion(EventUpdate event) {
float endX = CordX.getCurrentValue();
float endZ = CordZ.getCurrentValue();
float endY = 100.0F;
if (mc.player.ticksExisted % 2 == 0) {
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Position(endX + 0.10D, endY + 0.26D, endZ - 0.10D, true));
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Position(endX, endY, endZ, false));
mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Position(endX + 0.07D, endY + 0.17, endZ - 0.07D, true));
if (Minecraft.player.posX == CordX.getCurrentValue() && Minecraft.player.posZ == CordZ.getCurrentValue()) {
ChatUtils.addChatMessage("Успешно ливнули!");