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- Jul 18, 2023
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Greetings, dear comrades of the Minecraft community! We extend a warm welcome to you as we embark together on an extraordinary journey through a boundless realm filled with wonders and enchantments beyond imagination! Within this thread lies a treasure trove of top-tier, free-to-download Minecraft resources, with one standout gem being the renowned source aptly titled "Celestial Recode TargetHud"
We, as passionate players, truly understand the pivotal role that reliable and innovative content plays in elevating the overall gameplay experience. That's precisely why we've dedicated ourselves to curating this exceptional collection, ensuring that each entry has undergone meticulous testing and proven itself to be a game-changer, breathing new life and unbridled excitement into your beloved Minecraft world.
We, as passionate players, truly understand the pivotal role that reliable and innovative content plays in elevating the overall gameplay experience. That's precisely why we've dedicated ourselves to curating this exceptional collection, ensuring that each entry has undergone meticulous testing and proven itself to be a game-changer, breathing new life and unbridled excitement into your beloved Minecraft world.
Celestial Recode TargetHud:
if (targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Калестун")) {
DraggableTargetHUD dth = (DraggableTargetHUD) Rich.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class);
float x = dth.getX();
float y = dth.getY();
dth.setHeight(42 - 5);
if (KillAura.target == null) {
if (mc.player != null && mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat) {
curTarget = mc.player;
scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) scale, (float) 1, (float) (6 * Rich.deltaTime()));
} else {
scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) scale, (float) 0, (float) (6 * Rich.deltaTime()));
} else {
curTarget = KillAura.target;
scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) scale, (float) 1, (float) (6 * Rich.deltaTime()));
if (curTarget != null) {
try {
GL11.glTranslated(x + 36, y + 26, 0);
GL11.glScaled(scale, scale, 0);
GL11.glTranslated(-(x + 36), -(y + 26), 0);
RenderUtils.drawRect(x + 3, y + 3, x + dth.getWidth(), y + dth.getHeight() + 6, new Color(0, 0, 0, 206).getRGB());
mc.neverlose500_18.drawString(Rich.instance.featureManager.getFeature(NameProtect.class).isEnabled() && NameProtect.otherName.getBoolValue() ? "Protected" : curTarget.getName(), x + 48, y + 7, -1);
double healthWid = (curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 90);
healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0D, 80.0D);
healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation((float) healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10 * Rich.deltaTime()));
RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow(x + 47, y + 20, (float) healthBarWidth, 7, 7, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker());
RenderUtils.drawGradientRected(x + 47, y + 20, (float) healthBarWidth, 7, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker().getRGB(), ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().brighter().brighter().getRGB());
if (particles2.getBoolValue() && thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom")) {
for (final Particles p : particles) {
if (p.opacity > 4) p.render2D();
if (thudTimer.hasReached(15)) {
for (final Particles p : particles) {
if (p.opacity < 1) particles.remove(p);
if (curTarget.hurtTime == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
final Particles p = new Particles();
p.init((x + 15), y + 15, ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 2) * 1.9, ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 2) * 1.4, (float) Math.random() * 1, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor());
//head player
for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) {
try {
if (mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) == curTarget) {
final int scaleOffset = (int) (curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f);
float hurtPercent = getHurtPercent(curTarget);
GL11.glColor4f(1, 1 - hurtPercent, 1 - hurtPercent, 1);
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((int) x + 3, y + 3, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 40, 40, 64.0f, 64.0f);
} catch (Exception exception) {
} catch (Exception exception) {
} finally {