
Oct 25, 2022
Reaction score

UP GAME - private cheats for any games
OUR SITE - up-game.pro

System Requirements
Windows 10 x64
Windows 11 x64
Minimum 16GB of RAM
Insider Previews are not supported
Virtual machines are not supported
Cloud gaming computers are not supported
Supported Platforms and Anti Cheats
PunkBuster - Secure
PunkBuster Screenshot - Secure


Name ESP (Identify the enemy by name)
Vehicle Name ESP (Shows enemy vehicle names)
Box Style (2D / 3D) (The style how the box looks like)
Bone ESP (Shows you the bones of the enemys)
Head ESP (Shows a point on the heads of the enemys)
Display Friends (from the hack's friend list)
Display Enemys (from the hack's enemy/shit list)
Line ESP (Draws lines from soldiers to the bottom of your screen)
Distance ESP (Shows how far away the enemy is)
Health ESP (Displays the enemy's health)
Bullet ESP (Draws a sphere around all the bullets on the map)
Grenade ESP (Displays enemy grenades)
Supplybox ESP (Displays supplyboxes)
Explosive ESP (Displays enemy explosives)
Gadget ESP (Shows enemy gadgets - Beacon, Soflam etc.)
Pickups ESP (Shows the pickups on the map)
View ESP (Shows where the players are looking at)
Weapon ESP (Shows what weapon an enemy is carrying)
Enemy Only (Enable ESP only for enemies)
2D Radar (Displays a 2D ESP map)
Clan tag ESP (Shows the clantag of the players)
Engine Wallhack (Displays enemies trough walls)
Engine Name Tags (Displays the enemy names through walls)
Video Mode (When recording the ESP won't show up in the final recording)

Aim Key (Custom aimbot key)
AutoAim (Lets the aimbot aim completely automatically)
Auto-Shoot (Shoot when aimbot is locked on)
Aim FOV (lock on to enemies within certain part of screen)
Smooth Aim (slows down the aimbot movement)
Silent Aim (Aiming at the enemies without looking at them)
Stick on target (Stay locked on to a particular enemy)
Aim bone (Head/Chest/Pelvis)
Aim Bone Scan
Auto Pre-Aim (Lets the Aimbot pre-aim the enemies)
Priority aim at Enemylist (The Aimbot will prefer the enemies on the list)
Don't aim at Friendlist (The Aimbot will ignore the people on the friendlist)
Aim Style (Distance/Crosshair)
NoSpread (Shaky but very accurate - Compensates the bullet spread)
No Shake NoSpread (Perfect invisible NoSpread)
Visibility Checks (Check if enemy is visible)
Vehicle Aimbot (Aim with any vehicle)
Aim at Vehicles

No-Sun (Removes the sun from the sky)
No-Shadow (Removes the shadows)
No-Blue (Removes BF3's color-correction effects - can increase FPS)
No-Sky (Removes the sky... from the sky)
No-Taclight (Removes the taclight effects)
Acid Trip (Find Out Yourself)
Gun Mods

No-Spread (Non Shaky but very inaccurate - Removes the bullet spread)
No-Recoil (Visual Only - Removes the recoil)
Recoil-Control (Removes the recoil completely)
No-Breath (Disable soldier breathing)
Magic Bullet (Kill through walls, and with 1 bullet)
Custom Weapon Kills
Vehicle Magic Bullet (Magic Bullet for vehicles)
Magic Bullet headshot
Unlimited Ammo

Fly mode
Enable Minimap (Makes every enemy visible on the minimap)
AutoSpot (Spot all enemies on the map, you get spot points)
Crosshair (Draws a crosshair on the screen - helpful in hardcore)
Force Squad Spawn
Name Faker (Fakes your name - Clientside)
Rank Faker (Fakes your rank - Clientside)
Jet Speed Control (Fly at the correct speed for perfect turning)
Auto Flair / ECM (Deploy counter-measures automatically)
Warn on PBSS (Warns you if PunkBuster makes a screenshot)
Save PB Screenshots (Will save all screenshots from PunkBuster)
Show PB Kicks / Bans (Shows you if someone on the server gets kicked by PunkBuster)
Edit Enemy / Friend list
Edit Adminchat Text
Edit ESP Colors
Force Unlocks (Unlocks all weapon attachments/skins)
Killsound (Plays a sound after a kill)
Killstreak Announcer (Through admin chat)
Third Person View (See your own character from behind)
Auto Heal (99% Godmode)
Ping Spoofer (Never get kicked for having a bad ping again!)
Invisibility (No one can see you only your weapon is visible)
Equipment Editor - allows you to set any tool/weapon to any slot
Load/Save Config

Online payment | Online payment:

30 day - 10$
90 day - 25$ BUY
180 day - 45$ BUY

Support is provided only in Discord: WRITE TO SUPPORT (CLICK)