
  1. DarwinRoot

    Guide How to update BaseNetworkable and Offsets in Rust

    In this video, you will learn how to update BaseNetworkable and Offsets in the Rust game using the Il2cppDumper and Dnspy programs Il2cppDumper: DnSpy:
  2. I need help

    I need help, does anyone have hack for rust? I need help to be able to inject myself and do everything
  3. Guide Release Schedule & Update Times

    RUST Updates, Release Schedule & Update Times The next RUST Update is scheduled to release April 1st, 2021 at 2PM EST / 7PM BST Facepunch Studios, the development company behind RUST, releases an official update on the 1st Thursday of each month. There is no official time posted for the...
  4. inspectortrapget

    Undetected DarwinTap v2 - Free RUST cheat. Download free cheat for cracked RUST

    DarwinTap is a second version of free cheat for cracked RUST (Version 2283). VirusTotal for Injector VirusTotal for Binary

    Hi, I am in need of a gun for hire. I need a fully private game cheat for rust, any reskins of other cheats like diablo or infinity wont work. Im willing to pay handsomely. Cheat will be used by 3-5 people, very infrequently as we can all spray ak, and have a brain. Nonetheless must be willing...
  6. adsk88

    Use at own risk 【⭐The Best Multi-Game HWID Spoofer⭐】APEX | RUST | MOST EAC&BE GAMES | LifeTime

    Asgard Game Shop Check the status before purchasing!!! Price: 1 Day - 3$ | BUY ONLINE 1 Week - 10$ | BUY ONLINE 1 Month - 15$ | BUY ONLINE LifeTime - 30$ | BUY ONLINE JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER CHECK OUT OUR SELLIX STORE
  7. inspectortrapget

    Crack SweetMacro for RUST. Download free undetected RUST macros

    SweetMacro for RUST. Status: Use at own risk (This version is from March 2020 but it still works fine.) VirusTotal
  8. inspectortrapget

    Blackware for cracked RUST. Free cheat for cracked RUST v2279

    This is a cheat for cracked RUST, please don't even try to use it on Steam version - you will be banned immediately! Anticheat Status: GameWer - Undetected; UDefCore - Undetected; This is a simple cheat with some common features like ESP, aimbot, also it has a simple OBS bypass, so you can...
  9. Undetected EXODUS-PROJECT.SPACE RUST - Slot Based Internal Software | AIMBOT|ESP|HWID SPOOFER

    Status: - EAC: Undetected [1 month+] - Built in HWID Spoofer [UEFI] Game version: - Latest - Requires UEFI boot mode (Instructions will be given after purchase); - Supports all game modes; - Protection from HWID Ban (HWID Spoofer); - Works in full-screen game mode; - Accurate aimbot that...
  10. WoodenPineApple


    Информация о читах Мы давно занимаемся разработкой читов для игры Rust. И вот мы решили сделать чит на рост недорогим и доступным для покупки всем. Этот продукт имеет несколько функций: без отдачи, отладка камеры и всегда день. Простое ПО с небольшим количеством функций обходит античит EAC...
  11. DREDD

    Rust hack dev 2164

    Information Drag and drop both into your Managed folder. To open the menu press the Equal(=) P.S. Topic created by request @helltime. Because while there is no section for rust, let it lie here. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum...