Recent content by Planty

  1. Planty

    Question cheat for legit/griefing

    once you learn how a source works pasting is not to hard, look on youtube for the basics and its a good start
  2. Planty

    Source Unh1ttable v1 and v2

    Oh yeah this is a bad source code, only good thing is some of the aa features.
  3. Planty dump

    sweeeet my guy
  4. Planty

    Source resolver from big paid hvh cheat's dump

    sounds like it could b p
  5. Planty

    Detected Crack Patched Sadly :C

    Think people are working on a fix on yougame but nothing has come of it yet sadly.
  6. Planty

    Question how do i install a source like

    Install? do you mean open in visual studio or build a dll or something?
  7. Planty

    Need help implementing different check boxes for different resolvers

    wow im stupid, thanks mate lmao
  8. Planty

    Need help implementing different check boxes for different resolvers

    So im very new to pasting and such and before 3 days have never looked into coding before. ive managed to implement a decent amount of features from other cheats and such but after i have managed to get a stickrpg resolver working with no issues i can seem to setup a checkbox that dose not...
  9. Planty


    has anything been changed part form the menu (which is nice)? because the default resolver is pretty bad
  10. Planty

    Crack ShredHook Cracked

    Some guy was trying to sell an xyo paste for like 15 quid, dont buy pastes its not worth it could get ot for 5 more lmao. Anyway its an ok cheat, can hit when it wants to. (Good video)...
  11. Planty

    Source Best Desync Resolver (klareon edit aka nn paster)

    Ill try and add it to my paste, hopefully p
  12. Planty

    Crack Source

    just realised i should have put this in the source section, my bad
  13. Planty

    Crack Source

    Its a leaked source of a paid cheat, probs all pasted so not worth money but its ok for hvh. Source Only! Video Proof: Virus Total:
  14. Planty

    Source indigo by Quendi v3 full fixed

    link wont even open...
  15. Planty

    Use at own risk StickRPG XYO merged

    Sadly i dont have the source code, if i ever manage to get my hands on it ill post it on this fourm