
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
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Hi everyone! Today I'll tell you about promo codes for StandRise (or Stand Rise, as more comfortable), and also about private server of Standoff 2, where even just registered players strut with skins for couple thousand rubles. If you want to level up account without donation, put rare skins in inventory and just enjoy the game with beautiful guns, read further!


How private StandRise different from original?

Why private Standoff Ryze so hard hype? Because it's third-party server, with own donate, which is cheaper, with same matchmaking and adequate admins. And also just recently was update 1.1, so let's go by points and look at pluses of this private:
  • Stable version of Standoff – 0.16.0.
  • New knives, gloves, stickers and containers. Such, which not exist in usual Stando, for example "Tanto", tactical gloves, shields;
  • Free gold. Gold almost unlimited (this is such in-game currency, for which everything buyed), so you can spend it on whatever you want;
  • Skinchanger;
  • Advent calendars – bonuses just for active game;
  • Free gold for login. Every day you get bonus – you can buy whole shop;
  • Getting skins for good game at end of match. For example, recently added drop of collections ProjectZ9, Revival, New Year 2021;
  • New animations: death, knives, rifles, game events;
  • Reworked interfaces: in-game (I mean user), also game mode selection.
But the best thing is that all this is absolutely free! If in original Standoff 2 rare and cool skins need huge donate, then in Stand Ryze you can play for fun at all without putting money.

What promo codes for in StandRise?

Even though in Standoff Ryze already a lot of free stuff, promo codes give even more bonuses.
  • Even more free gold. It still sometimes ends, need somehow refill.
  • Limited knives or skins. Often devs release promo codes on limited amount of uses with rare skins, which nowhere else lootable.
Important to understand, that not all codes live forever. Some work only limited time or have limit of activations.


New promo codes for StandRise 0.15.8

Here fresh codes:
  • GOLD5 – for 500 gold;
  • fHg2aU91;
  • E2MrMsBd7;
  • yxIzyCW7L;
  • 35Ye92mxR;
  • VazbzQc8F;
  • vz0HHZlQH;
  • EYLZSu1wK;
  • jQaN9sfEm.

How to use promo code in StandRise?

  1. Enter game (main menu)
  2. Open section "Shop", then tab "Promo codes".
  3. Enter code (I advice just copy it above).
  4. Click "Apply" – if all ok, window pop up and in it will be written and drawn rewards.
If not worked, then check that:
  • You didn't activate code before (1 code = 1 account).
  • Code didn't expire (some live couple hours).

FAQ (frequent questions and errors)

  • Will I be banned for codes?
    No, this is feature of this private server. But if you download cheats for StandRise – then yes, account will be blocked.
  • Where to look for new promo codes?
    Official TG-channel of StandRise. Important: if site ask to enter password – this scam!
  • Why some codes not work?
    They already can be used by others or limits ended!


If tired of saving for dream skins for years – then of course yes. And promo codes help start like you here from release. Found working code, which not in list? Drop in comments – I check and add to article.