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Prepare to enter a realm where the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and endless possibilities await! Welcome to "MoonWare" - the ultimate catalyst for awe-inspiring adventures and limitless ingenuity. Open the gateway to a mesmerizing universe and allow yourself to indulge in Minecraft on an unprecedented scale! We have meticulously curated a collection of trusted sources to ensure that your ideas and dreams can be fully unleashed.
JavaScript:public void onRender2D(EventRender2D e) { if (targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Style")) { DraggableTargetHUD dth = (DraggableTargetHUD) Rich.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class); float x = dth.getX(); float y = dth.getY(); dth.setWidth(130); dth.setHeight(42 - 5); if (KillAura.target != null) { curTarget = KillAura.target; scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) scale, (float) 1, (float) (6 * Rich.deltaTime())); } else { scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) scale, (float) 0, (float) (6 * Rich.deltaTime())); } EntityLivingBase target = KillAura.target; if (curTarget != null) { if (curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) { try { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.resetColor(); GL11.glTranslated(x + 36, y + 26, 0); GL11.glScaled(scale, scale, 0); GL11.glTranslated(-(x + 36), -(y + 26), 0); if (blurThud.getBoolValue()) { RenderUtils.drawBlur(8, () -> { RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + dth.getWidth(), y + dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()); }); } if (shadowThud.getBoolValue()) { RenderUtils.drawShadow(8, 1, () -> { RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + dth.getWidth(), y + dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()); }); } RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + dth.getWidth(), y + dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()); mc.rubik_18.drawString(Rich.instance.featureManager.getFeature(NameProtect.class).isEnabled() && NameProtect.otherName.getBoolValue() ? "Protected" : curTarget.getName(), x + 35, y + 5, -1); mc.rubik_17.drawString((int) curTarget.getHealth() + " HP - " + (int) mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(curTarget) + "m", x + 35, y + 5 + 10, -1); double healthWid = (curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 90); healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0D, 90.0D); healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation((float) healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10 * Rich.deltaTime())); RenderUtils.drawRect2(x + 36, y + 25, 90, 5, new Colors(Color.decode("#191f13")).setAlpha(180).getColor().getRGB()); RenderUtils.drawGradientRected(x + 36, y + 25, (float) healthBarWidth, 5, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker().getRGB(), ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().brighter().brighter().getRGB()); RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow(x + 36, y + 25, (float) healthBarWidth + 2, 5, 8, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker()); if (particles2.getBoolValue() && thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom")) { for (final Particles p : particles) { if (p.opacity > 4) p.render2D(); } if (thudTimer.hasReached(15)) { for (final Particles p : particles) { p.updatePosition(); if (p.opacity < 1) particles.remove(p); } thudTimer.reset(); } if (curTarget.hurtTime == 8) { for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { final Particles p = new Particles(); p.init((x + 15), y + 15, ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 2) * 1.9, ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 2) * 1.4, (float) Math.random() * 1, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor()); particles.add(p); } } } for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) { try { if (mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) == curTarget) { mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(targetHead.getLocationSkin()); final int scaleOffset = (int) (curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f); float hurtPercent = getHurtPercent(curTarget); GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glColor4f(1, 1 - hurtPercent, 1 - hurtPercent, 1); Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((int) x + 3, y + 3, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 30, 30, 64.0f, 64.0f); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GlStateManager.bindTexture(0); } } catch (Exception exception) { } } } catch (Exception exception) { } finally { GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } } }