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Hello everyone!
Today i present to you a pretty simple ahk script that features Jump Lunge
Numpad 0 to lunge, Ctrl+Numpad 1 to reload the script quickly if you want to make changes to timings.
The code itself and instruction how to use:
First of all install the latest version of AutoHotKey - [autohotkey.com]
After that copy and paste the code below in a new txt file and save it as "something.ahk"
Then launch the game and follow these steps:
1. Activate script. By double-clicking on it or right click and "Open as AHK"
2. Open the game and enjoy!
3. Profits.
Today i present to you a pretty simple ahk script that features Jump Lunge
Numpad 0 to lunge, Ctrl+Numpad 1 to reload the script quickly if you want to make changes to timings.
The code itself and instruction how to use:
First of all install the latest version of AutoHotKey - [autohotkey.com]
After that copy and paste the code below in a new txt file and save it as "something.ahk"
Then launch the game and follow these steps:
1. Activate script. By double-clicking on it or right click and "Open as AHK"
2. Open the game and enjoy!
3. Profits.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Send {RButton down}
Send {LButton down}
Send {LButton up}
Send {RButton up}
Send {Space}