Undetected Private cheat for Rust (FULL and LITE versions)


Oct 25, 2022
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UP GAME - private cheats for any games

game version | Game version: Steam
Supported OS only x64 | Supported OS x64 only: Windows 10 (1903-last), Windows 11
Supported processors | Supported Processors: Intel, AMD
Supported Modes | Supported modes: Borderless, Windowed
Anticheat | Anti-cheat: EAC

Spoofer | Anti-ban: NO TEMPORARY


Bot - Display Bots
Sleeper - Display Sleepers
Box - Display Boxes on Players
Skeleton - Display Player Skeletons
Team ID - Display Player Current Team ID
Nickname - Display Player Nickname
Health - Display Current Health Level
Inventory - Display Items in Player Quick Slots
Weapon - Display of weapons in the hands of players
Distance - Display of the distance of the current ESP block
ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of the distance of the illumination of the current block ESP

Corpse & Backpack - Display of corpses and backpacks from killed players
Distance - Display of the distance of the current ESP block
ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of the distance of highlighting the current block ESP

- Resources (color selection)
Ores - Global switch for displaying ores
Collectible Ores - Global switch for displaying raised ores
Stone - Displaying stone
Metal - Displaying metal
Sulfur - Displaying sulfur
Hemp - Displaying sprouts cannabis
Other Collectibles - Display other collectibles
Distance - Display the distance of the current block ESP
ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of the illumination of the current block ESP

- World (color selection)
Radtown Loot - Display the RT of the loot
Cupboard - Display cabinets with the display of nicknames authorized players in it
Crates - Shows chests
Turrets - Shows all turrets
Stash - Shows caches (buried only)
Animals - Shows animals
AirDrop - Shows airdrops
Distance - Shows the distance of the current ESP block
ESP distance (0-400) - Selects the highlight distance of the current block ESP

- Other ( color select)
Patrol Helicopter - Displays a patrol helicopter with its current HP level
Chinook - Displays a Chinook helicopter with its current HP level
Bradley - Displays a Bradley tank with its current HP level
Boats - Displays all boats with its current HP level
Copters - Shows all helicopters with their current HP level
Horse - Shows horses and their current and maximum energy
Cargo Ship - Shows Cargo Train
- Shows subway trains
Submarine - Shows submarine
Distance - Shows the distance of the current ESP block
ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of the distance of illumination of the current block ESP

Dropped Items - Display of objects on the ground
Distance - Display of the distance of objects on the ground
ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of the distance of illumination of objects on the ground

Food - Display of selected food
Distance - Display of the distance at the selected food
ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance to highlight the selected food

Aimbot Active - Enable aimbot
Visible check - Check for visibility
Ignore Team - Aimbot will ignore members of your team
Resolver - Straightens player models, improving their visibility, AimBot accuracy and helps against AntiAim
Aimbot Bone - Selection of the body part of the aimbot aiming (Head / neck / body)
Aimbot Bind - Selection of the aimbot actuation button (Rmouse, Lmouse, Shift)
FOV (modification slider) - Radius of the aiming of the aimbot
Distance (modification slider) - Distance of the aimbot

- Player
Spiderman - Climb walls
Roll Building - Rotate buildings (by pressing the "R" button with a building plan in hand)
Mount Roll - Removes restrictions on camera movement when you are sitting somewhere
AntiAim - Krutilka complicates the task for the enemy with the cheat
Long Neck player, you can kill the enemy without being invisible to him, works by pressing the mouse wheel)
Swim On Land - Swim in the air
Flyhack - Flight
Debug Camera - Camera flight (Activation on F5)
Speed - Speed adjustment Debug Camera

- Weapon
Minimize Spread - Minimum scatter
Minimize Recoil - Weapon recoil control
No Sway - Remove weapon sway
Automatic - Make all weapons automatic
Long Melee - Increases the range of melee weapons
Silent Melee - Increases the range of melee weapons
No Sprint Block Melee - Sitting on any object does not restrict the character's movement
Better Fishing - Improved fishing with a fishing rod
Thick Bullet - Change the bullet hitbox size
Size - Choice bullet hitbox size

- Other
Draw Fov - Show aiming radius
Draw Crosshair - Crosshair in the center of the screen
Draw Aim Target - Display the current target of the aimbot
Remove Near Buildings - Remove walls from nearby houses
Bright World - Light everywhere
Set time - Select the time of day on the map (as Always Day - Always a day on the map, but with a large selection)


Skinchanger - Change default skins to color skins of your choice

Global region:

1 day - 10$ PAY

7 day - 35$ PAY
30 day - 70$ PAY

Global region:

1 day - 6$ PAY

7 day - 15$ PAY
30 day - 30$

Tech. support is provided only in Discord: WRITE TO SUPPORT (CLICK)
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