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Embark on an exciting journey in a world of fantasy and adventure! Unlimited possibilities are waiting for you in our new game "TargetHud Akrien Premium". Create your own unique story full of dangers and mysteries.
Become the hero of your own epic and discover the full potential of creativity in the fascinating universe. Here, your every decision matters, and your choice shapes the future of this amazing story.
Master the art of survival by exploring incredible locations and meeting amazing creatures. Conquer the lands and build your own world with the help of our proven sources, which will open up endless opportunities for development in front of you.
Become the hero of your own epic and discover the full potential of creativity in the fascinating universe. Here, your every decision matters, and your choice shapes the future of this amazing story.
Master the art of survival by exploring incredible locations and meeting amazing creatures. Conquer the lands and build your own world with the help of our proven sources, which will open up endless opportunities for development in front of you.
TargetHud Akrien Premium
TargetHud Akrien Premium
Code:} else if (targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Type 5")) { DraggableTargetHUD dwm = (DraggableTargetHUD) Rich.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class); dwm.setWidth(120); dwm.setHeight(35); String health; String distance; Iterator var8; NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead; float hurtPercent; double healthWid; if (KillAura.target == null) { if (Minecraft.player != null && mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat) { curTarget = Minecraft.player; this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0F, (float) (6.0 * Rich.deltaTime())); } else { this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 0.0F, (float) (6.0 * Rich.deltaTime())); } } else { curTarget = KillAura.target; this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0F, (float) (6.0 * Rich.deltaTime())); } if (curTarget != null) { try { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.resetColor(); healthWid = curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 55.0F; healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0, 55.0); this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (80.0 * Rich.deltaTime())); health = "" + MathematicHelper.round((double) curTarget.getHealth(), 1); distance = "" + MathematicHelper.round((double) Minecraft.player.getDistance(curTarget), 1); RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow((float) (dwm.getX() + 1), (float) (dwm.getY() + 18), 87.0F, 25.5F, 1, new Color(14, 14, 14, 147)); RenderUtility.drawRect((float) dwm.getX() + 25.5F, (float) (dwm.getY() + 37), 61.0F, 5.5F, new Color(7, 7, 7, 66)); RenderUtility.drawGradientRect((float) dwm.getX() + 26.0F, (float) (dwm.getY() + 38), 5.0 + this.healthBarWidth, 4.0, (new Color(240, 141, 191)).getRGB(), (new Color(205, 53, 124)).getRGB()); mc.mntsb_14.drawString(curTarget.getName(), (float) (dwm.getX() + 26), (float) (dwm.getY() + 23), -1); mc.mntsb_12.drawString(health + " HP - " + distance + "m", (float) (dwm.getX() + 26), (float) (dwm.getY() + 32), -1); this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.getAnimationState(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10.0 * Rich.deltaTime())); var8 = Minecraft.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap().iterator(); while (var8.hasNext()) { targetHead = (NetworkPlayerInfo) var8.next(); try { if (Minecraft.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) == curTarget && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) { mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(targetHead.getLocationSkin()); hurtPercent = getHurtPercent(curTarget); GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F - hurtPercent, 1.0F - hurtPercent, 1.0F); Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(dwm.getX() + 2.5F, dwm.getY() + 20, 8.0F, 8.0F, 8, 8, 22, 22, 64.0F, 64.0F); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GlStateManager.bindTexture(0); } } catch (Exception var11) { } } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } catch (Exception var13) { } }
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