Source Internal legit cheat source for Battlefield 4 / AC + screenshot bypass


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
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Although Battlefield 4 released in 2013, it still on equal with BF3 is considered one of the best in the series. Quality worked multiplayer, interesting maps, decent customization weapons – in BF4 gathered all classic, so much missing now in games quality. Graphics still nice, optimization excellent! But in this article not about the game itself, but about the cheat source for it. I found source "Spankerfield", legit cheat with necessary set of functions for comfortable game, to stick for couple evenings, or even more. Author of cheat: nloginov.

Functions of cheat are extensive:
  1. Visuals (ESP): standard set with nicknames, distance, boxes, health bar etc. Colors also change.
  2. Weapons: Aimbot, FOV setting, disable spread and recoil, choose bone (aim target), smoothness, auto-wall.
  3. Radar: distance, size, colors, position.
  4. Spectator list: position, colors.
  5. Infantry alert: warning about enemies/vehicles nearby.
  6. Misc: anti-AFK, control weapon overheating, control airplane speed.
  7. Kill sound.
  8. Blacklist.
  9. Settings.
  10. Privacy: nickname spoofer, streamer mode.
  11. Misc: enable controller support.
  12. Menu opens on INSERT.
Developer recommends use Xenos injector for this hack.

If when injecting you get error 0xC0000035, then you need completely disable your antivirus.


System requirements:
  1. Windows 10-11 64 bit;
  2. Visual C++ Redistributable (x64, x86);
  3. Your processor must support AVX instructions, but if not, then add ‘#define JM_XORSTR_DISABLE_AVX_INTRINSICS' in 'Utilities\xorstr.h' and only then compile build.
If you use various overlays (RTSS/MSI Afterburner) there is chance that hack menu not appear. Overlay recommended disable. Hack not detected by anti-cheat, including screenshotter, however not recommend use rage functions, you can get banned.

Visual Studio settings for compile hack:
  1. NuGet packages: (directxtk_desktop_win10, fmt, nlohmann.json),
  2. Release x64,
  3. Dynamic Link Library (.dll),
  4. Visual Studio 2022 (v143),
  5. C++ Standard - ISO C++20,
  6. C Standard - Old MSVC,
  7. Preprocessor arguments: _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS,
  8. Symbols: Unicode.
Source code:

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