Free 'Undying' Epic Games Giveaway 2025: Zombie Survival Drama (Claim by Feb 6)


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
Reaction score
Hello everyone! Recently ended weekly giveaway of game in Epic Games Store and started new! This week in EGS absolutely without payment is being given out interesting gamey in genre drama. Like on last week, devs decided give us not shooty-racey, but gift unusual and pretty sad story.​


What is essence of game "Undying"?

Setting of game in style of Walking Dead, that is world of zombies. All gameplay happens around Angling and her son Kod. Woman was bitten by one of infected and now she fights not only with them, but almost herself. In game Andying need to farm resources, prepare food, contact with other survivors and survive themselves, because infection spreads faster in body. Not only setting, but style of game reminds "The Walking Dead", so to fans, I think, will go in.
  • Giveaway of game available in Russia and will last until 06 February 19:00 Moscow time.
  • On platform Steam game has 79% positive reviews for all time.
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