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Oct 22, 2024
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Till February 27, 2025, in Epic Games Store you can for free add to your library cool game Garden Story. For this, just need go to store, find the game and press "Get" — and it will stay with you forever. But don't delay: the promo will end February 27 at 19:00 Moscow time.

garden story free giveaway

Why it worth to play Garden Story?​

Garden Story — is not just cute toy about garden. It is combination of RPG genre, simulator and puzzle. You play as Concord, tiny but brave grape, who try restore his destroyed world. Every quest here — part of general story, not just simple "fetch-quest" mission.

What is hooking in the game:​

  • Interesting gameplay: repair bridges, grow plants, collect resources — but so, that even routine tasks turn to adventures.
  • Bright characters: shy strawberry, wise artichoke — heroes with their personalities and stories.
  • Cozy music: light guitar and piano melodies create atmosphere, where want stay longer.
game giveaway in epic games

How to get this game?​

  • Enter
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    before 19:00 February 27.
  • Find Garden Story through search or use direct link.
  • Press "Get" — and it will appear in your library.

If "cute" games not yours:​

Don't let simple style mislead. In game is skill leveling, crafting and even roguelike elements — battles with pests can end not in your favor. This not quite Stardew Valley — here more action and exploration.

epic games game giveaway

Why Epic give games free?​

Epic Games already long time use free giveaways to attract attention to their store. For us it chance get quality gamies without cost, and for developers — way find new fans. Mutually beneficial story.

Don't miss!​

February 27 at 19:00 last chance take Garden Story free. Better add game now, even if not plan play yet — in year or two it can become your favorite discovery.
In game is dozens of easter eggs — from references to classic RPGs to jokes about gardening. Happy searching!