
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone! I already uploaded enough working injectors on Roblox for PC, today wanna spend time for mobiles. For iOS no sense to upload, there need crutches or jailbreak, so I share with you executor for Android. Called it VegaX, nothing worse than delta, arceus, cryptic and like that. Developer team always release patches, they also have version for PC, I will try to upload soon. As soon as – so right away.


What we got by functionality?

  1. Level 8 protection (anti-ban), maximum.
  2. 84% UNC, so will work 84% lua scripts;
  3. Long time on market, always supported and updated;
  4. Maximum clear UI (user interface), only three tabs.
  5. Developers with good reputation (unlike, for example, argon, where former owner exit scammed).
  6. Key for 2 days, usually give for one day.
  7. Has built-in Script Hub (base of lua scripts).

How to use cheat?

View hidden content is available for registered users!

Common error (problem)

  • Bad performance (low fps).
  1. I recommend to put settings harder in emulator: give maximum amount of cores, add RAM.
  2. Choose actual phone model in settings (so sets change under phone).
  3. Turn off root access in emulator.

Frequently appearing questions

  • Work with emulator?
    Yes, for normal phone and for Android emulator this cheat for Roblox fits and works perfect.
  • Have anti-ban?
    Yes, in Vega X maximum protection from ban (level 8), so in this aspect all clear.
  • Need to get key?
    Yes, on start stage will be offered to do this, need to get. Big plus that it give for two days at once.
If some more errors or questions appear, suggest to watch this video, think all will be solved at once:


This Roblox hack fit for everyone. Very good protection from anti-cheat, fast work, good developer team, almost all scripts supported (because of high UNC). In general, cool software, with which game not lagging, all loads fast, constant updates and fixes. Good replacement for more hyped analogs: delta, arceus, codex, cryptic and etc.