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Unleash your wildest imagination and expand your Minecraft horizons like never before with our meticulously curated selection of extraordinary resources. These handpicked treasures are specifically designed to elevate your gameplay and bring about unimaginable possibilities. Whether you're a passionate builder, an intrepid explorer, or a daring adventurer, our diverse collection of sources holds something uniquely special for each and every one of you.
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Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity as you discover cutting-edge mods, awe-inspiring texture packs, and captivating adventure maps that will breathe new life into your Minecraft world. Build majestic cities that touch the sky, craft intricate and breathtaking landscapes, or embark on daring quests that will test your skills and courage. The possibilities are limitless, and the only boundaries are those of your own imagination.
New TargetHud:
package dev.etc.client.feature.impl.hud;
import dev.etc.client.Baks;
import dev.etc.client.draggable.component.impl.DraggableTargetHUD;
import dev.etc.client.event.EventTarget;
import dev.etc.client.event.events.impl.render.EventRender2D;
import dev.etc.client.feature.Feature;
import dev.etc.client.feature.impl.FeatureCategory;
import dev.etc.client.feature.impl.combat.KillAura;
import dev.etc.client.feature.impl.misc.NameProtect;
import dev.etc.client.ui.settings.impl.BooleanSetting;
import dev.etc.client.ui.settings.impl.ColorSetting;
import dev.etc.client.ui.settings.impl.ListSetting;
import dev.etc.client.utils.math.AnimationHelper;
import dev.etc.client.utils.math.MathematicHelper;
import dev.etc.client.utils.math.TimerHelper;
import dev.etc.client.utils.other.Particles;
import dev.etc.client.utils.render.*;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat;
import net.minecraft.client.network.NetworkPlayerInfo;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TargetHUD
extends Feature {
private double scale = 0.0;
private static EntityLivingBase curTarget = null;
public static TimerHelper thudTimer = new TimerHelper();
private float healthBarWidth;
private ArrayList<Particles> particles = new ArrayList();
public ListSetting targetHudMode = new ListSetting("TargetHUD Mode", "Default", () -> true, "Style", "New", "Default", "Minecraft", "Baks", "Modern");
public static ListSetting thudColorMode = new ListSetting("TargetHUD Color", "Astolfo", () -> true, "Astolfo", "Rainbow", "Client", "Custom");
public BooleanSetting particles2;
public static ColorSetting targetHudColor = new ColorSetting("THUD Color", Color.PINK.getRGB(), () -> TargetHUD.thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom"));
public BooleanSetting shadowThud;
public BooleanSetting blurThud;
private /* synthetic */ Color gradientColor1;
private /* synthetic */ Color gradientColor2;
private /* synthetic */ Color gradientColor3;
private /* synthetic */ Color gradientColor4;
public TargetHUD() {
super("TargetHUD", FeatureCategory.Hud);
this.particles2 = new BooleanSetting("Particles", TargetHUD.thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom"), () -> this.targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Style") && TargetHUD.thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom"));
this.shadowThud = new BooleanSetting("Shadow", true, () -> true);
this.blurThud = new BooleanSetting("Blur", true, () -> true);
this.gradientColor1 = Color.WHITE;
this.gradientColor2 = Color.WHITE;
this.gradientColor3 = Color.WHITE;
this.gradientColor4 = Color.WHITE;
this.addSettings(this.targetHudMode, thudColorMode, this.particles2, targetHudColor, this.shadowThud, this.blurThud);
public void onRender2D(EventRender2D e2) {
int i;
if (this.targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Style")) {
DraggableTargetHUD dth = (DraggableTargetHUD) Baks.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class);
float x = dth.getX();
float y = dth.getY();
if (KillAura.target != null) {
curTarget = KillAura.target;
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
} else {
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 0.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
EntityLivingBase target = KillAura.target;
if (curTarget != null && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) {
try {
try {
GL11.glTranslated(x + 36.0f, y + 26.0f, 0.0);
GL11.glScaled(this.scale, this.scale, 0.0);
GL11.glTranslated(-(x + 36.0f), -(y + 26.0f), 0.0);
if (this.blurThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawBlur(8.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()));
if (this.shadowThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawShadow(9.0f, 2.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()));
RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB());
TargetHUD.mc.rubik_18.drawString(Baks.instance.featureManager.getFeature(NameProtect.class).isEnabled() && NameProtect.otherName.getBoolValue() ? "Protected" : curTarget.getName(), x + 35.0f, y + 5.0f, -1);
TargetHUD.mc.rubik_17.drawString(String.valueOf((int) curTarget.getHealth()) + " HP - " + (int) TargetHUD.mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(curTarget) + "m", x + 35.0f, y + 5.0f + 10.0f, -1);
double healthWid = curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 90.0f;
healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0, 90.0);
this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
RenderUtils.drawRect2(x + 36.0f, y + 25.0f, 90.0, 5.0, new Colors(Color.decode("#191f13")).setAlpha(180).getColor().getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawGradientRected(x + 36.0f, y + 25.0f, this.healthBarWidth, 5.0, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker().getRGB(), ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().brighter().brighter().getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow(x + 40.0f, y + 25.0f, this.healthBarWidth + 2.0f, 5.0f, 8, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker());
if (this.particles2.getBoolValue() && TargetHUD.thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom")) {
for (Particles p : this.particles) {
if (!(p.opacity > 4.0)) continue;
if (thudTimer.hasReached(15.0)) {
for (Particles p : this.particles) {
if (!(p.opacity < 1.0)) continue;
if (TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime == 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
Particles p = new Particles();
p.init(x + 15.0f, y + 15.0f, (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 1.9, (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 1.4, (float) Math.random() * 1.0f, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor());
for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : TargetHUD.mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) {
try {
if (TargetHUD.mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) != curTarget)
int scaleOffset = (int) ((float) TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f);
float hurtPercent = TargetHUD.getHurtPercent(curTarget);
GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f);
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((float) ((int) x + 3), y + 3.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 30, 30, 64.0f, 64.0f);
} catch (Exception scaleOffset) {
// empty catch block
} catch (Exception healthWid) {
} finally {
} else if (this.targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Default")) {
DraggableTargetHUD dth = (DraggableTargetHUD) Baks.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class);
float x = dth.getX();
float y = dth.getY();
if (KillAura.target != null) {
curTarget = KillAura.target;
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
} else {
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 0.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
EntityLivingBase target = KillAura.target;
if (curTarget != null && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) {
try {
try {
GL11.glTranslated(x + 50.0f, y + 31.0f, 0.0);
GL11.glScaled(this.scale, this.scale, 0.0);
GL11.glTranslated(-(x + 50.0f), -(y + 31.0f), 0.0);
// if (this.blurThud.getBoolValue()) {
// RenderUtils.drawBlur(7.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float)dth.getWidth(), y + (float)dth.getHeight(), new Color(255, 255, 255, 0).getRGB()));
// }
// if (this.shadowThud.getBoolValue()) {
// RenderUtils.drawShadow(5.0f, 1.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float)dth.getWidth(), y + (float)dth.getHeight(), new Color(17, 17, 17, 0).getRGB()));
// }
RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 255, 208, 0).getRGB());
double healthWid = curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 110.0f;
healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0, 110.0);
this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
String health = "" + MathematicHelper.round(curTarget.getHealth(), 1);
String distance = "" + MathematicHelper.round(TargetHUD.mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(curTarget), 1);
TargetHUD.mc.rubik_15.drawString("Name: " + curTarget.getName(), x + 38.0f, y + 19.0f, -1);
// TargetHUD.mc.rubik_15.drawString("Distance: " + distance, x + 42.0f, y + 15.0f, -1);
// TargetHUD.mc.rubik_14.drawString(curTarget.getHealth() >= 3.0f ? health : "", x + 24.0f + this.healthBarWidth, y + 26.5f, new Color(0, 255, 178, 0).getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x + 38.0f, y + 33.0f, x + 38.0f + this.healthBarWidth, y + 33.0f + 5.0f, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker().getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow(x + 38.0f, y + 33.0f, this.healthBarWidth, 5.0f, 12, RenderUtils.injectAlpha(ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor(), 1000));
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemOverlays(TargetHUD.mc.rubik_13, curTarget.getHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND), (int) x + 132, (int) y + 7);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(curTarget.getHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND), (int) x + 135, (int) y + 1);
// for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : TargetHUD.mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) {
// try {
// if (TargetHUD.mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) != curTarget) continue;
// mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(targetHead.getLocationSkin());
// int scaleOffset = (int)((float)TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f);
// float hurtPercent = TargetHUD.getHurtPercent(curTarget);
// GL11.glPushMatrix();
// GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f);
// Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((float)((int)x + 3), y + 4.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 32, 35, 64.0f, 64.0f);
// GL11.glPopMatrix();
// GlStateManager.bindTexture(0);
// }
// catch (Exception exception) {
// // empty catch block
// }
// }
} catch (Exception exception) {
} finally {
} else if (this.targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Minecraft")) {
DraggableTargetHUD wwq = (DraggableTargetHUD) Baks.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class);
float x = wwq.getX();
float y = wwq.getY();
if (KillAura.target != null) {
curTarget = KillAura.target;
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
} else {
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 0.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
try {
try {
GL11.glTranslated(x + 50.0f, y + 31.0f, 0.0);
GL11.glScaled(this.scale, this.scale, 0.0);
GL11.glTranslated(-(x + 50.0f), -(y + 31.0f), 0.0);
if (this.blurThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawBlur(7.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) wwq.getWidth(), y + (float) wwq.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 255).getRGB()));
if (this.shadowThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawShadow(5.0f, 1.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) wwq.getWidth(), y + (float) wwq.getHeight(), new Color(17, 17, 17, 200).getRGB()));
GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
this.mc.fontRendererObj.drawStringWithShadow(curTarget.getName(), wwq.getX() + 38, wwq.getY() - -20, -1);
this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/gui/icons.png"));
i = 0;
while ((float) i < curTarget.getMaxHealth() / 2.0f) {
this.mc.ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect((float) (wwq.getX() + 86) - curTarget.getMaxHealth() / 2.0f * 10.0f / 2.0f + (float) (i * 8), (float) (wwq.getY() + 9), 16, 0, 9, 9);
i = 0;
while ((float) i < curTarget.getHealth() / 2.0f) {
this.mc.ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect((float) (wwq.getX() + 86) - curTarget.getMaxHealth() / 2.0f * 10.0f / 2.0f + (float) (i * 8), (float) (wwq.getY() + 9), 52, 0, 9, 9);
RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) wwq.getWidth(), y + (float) wwq.getHeight(), new Color(255, 0, 0, 0).getRGB());
double healthWid = curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 110.0f;
healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0, 110.0);
this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
String health = "" + MathematicHelper.round(curTarget.getHealth(), 1);
String distance = "" + MathematicHelper.round(TargetHUD.mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(curTarget), 1);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemOverlays(TargetHUD.mc.rubik_13, curTarget.getHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND), (int) x + 132, (int) y + 7);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemIntoGUI(curTarget.getHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND), (int) x + 135, (int) y + 1);
for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : TargetHUD.mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) {
try {
if (TargetHUD.mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) != curTarget)
int scaleOffset = (int) ((float) TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f);
float hurtPercent = TargetHUD.getHurtPercent(curTarget);
GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f);
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((float) ((int) x + 3), y + 4.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 32, 35, 64.0f, 64.0f);
} catch (Exception exception) {
} catch (Exception exception) {
} finally {
} else if (this.targetHudMode.currentMode.equals("Baks")) {
DraggableTargetHUD dth = (DraggableTargetHUD) Baks.instance.draggableHUD.getDraggableComponentByClass(DraggableTargetHUD.class);
float x = dth.getX();
float y = dth.getY();
if (KillAura.target != null) {
curTarget = KillAura.target;
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 1.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
} else {
this.scale = AnimationHelper.animation((float) this.scale, 0.0f, (float) (6.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
EntityLivingBase target = KillAura.target;
if (curTarget != null && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) {
try {
try {
GL11.glTranslated(x + -50.0f, y + 70.0f, 0.0);
GL11.glScaled(this.scale, this.scale, 0.0);
GL11.glTranslated(-(x + -50.0f), -(y + 70.0f), 0.0);
if (this.blurThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawBlur(8.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()));
if (this.shadowThud.getBoolValue()) {
RenderUtils.drawShadow(9.0f, 2.0f, () -> RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) dth.getWidth(), y + (float) dth.getHeight(), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()));
RenderUtils.drawSmoothRect(x, y, x + (float) 80, y + (float) 80, new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB());
TargetHUD.mc.rubik_18.drawString(Baks.instance.featureManager.getFeature(NameProtect.class).isEnabled() && NameProtect.otherName.getBoolValue() ? "Protected" : curTarget.getName(), x + 5.0f, y + 60.0f, -1);
// TargetHUD.mc.rubik_17.drawString(String.valueOf((int) curTarget.getHealth()) + " HP - " + (int) TargetHUD.mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(curTarget) + "m", x + 35.0f, y + 5.0f + 10.0f, -1);
double healthWid = curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth() * 70.0f;
healthWid = MathHelper.clamp(healthWid, 0.0, 70.0);
this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animation(this.healthBarWidth, (float) healthWid, (float) (10.0 * Baks.deltaTime()));
RenderUtils.drawRect2(x + 5.0f, y + 70.0f, 70.0, 5.0, new Colors(Color.decode("#191f13")).setAlpha(180).getColor().getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawGradientRected(x + 5.0f, y + 70.0f, this.healthBarWidth, 5.0, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker().getRGB(), ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().brighter().brighter().getRGB());
RenderUtils.drawBlurredShadow(x + 5.0f, y + 70.0f, this.healthBarWidth + 2.0f, 5.0f, 8, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor().darker());
if (this.particles2.getBoolValue() && TargetHUD.thudColorMode.currentMode.equals("Custom")) {
for (Particles p : this.particles) {
if (!(p.opacity > 4.0)) continue;
if (thudTimer.hasReached(15.0)) {
for (Particles p : this.particles) {
if (!(p.opacity < 1.0)) continue;
if (TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime == 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
Particles p = new Particles();
p.init(x + 15.0f, y + 5.0f, (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 1.9, (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2.0 * 1.4, (float) Math.random() * 1.0f, ClientHelper.getTargetHudColor());
for (NetworkPlayerInfo targetHead : TargetHUD.mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfoMap()) {
try {
if (TargetHUD.mc.world.getPlayerEntityByUUID(targetHead.getGameProfile().getId()) != curTarget)
int scaleOffset = (int) ((float) TargetHUD.curTarget.hurtTime * 0.55f);
float hurtPercent = TargetHUD.getHurtPercent(curTarget);
GL11.glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f - hurtPercent, 1.0f);
Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect((float) ((int) x + 15), y + 3.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f, 8, 8, 50, 50, 64.0f, 64.0f);
} catch (Exception scaleOffset) {
// empty catch block
} catch (Exception healthWid) {
} finally {
public static float getRenderHurtTime(EntityLivingBase hurt) {
return (float)hurt.hurtTime - (hurt.hurtTime != 0 ? TargetHUD.mc.timer.renderPartialTicks : 0.0f);
public static float getHurtPercent(EntityLivingBase hurt) {
return TargetHUD.getRenderHurtTime(hurt) / 10.0f;
public void onEnable() {
if (TargetHUD.mc.gameSettings.ofFastRender) {
TargetHUD.mc.gameSettings.ofFastRender = false;