
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
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JJSploit is a reliable and free script injector designed specifically for Roblox.


JJSploit scripts: what's available to you?

This tool supports integration with the WeAreDevs API, which opens access to unique scripts and enhancements.

Below is the full list of available features:
  • Kill Roblox - allows you to instantly end a Roblox session.
  • Lua Executor - support for executing Lua scripts to customize the game.
  • Topmost - keeps the JJSploit application always in the foreground.
  • Script Execute - ability to run any supported scripts.
  • Teleport (CTRL + CLICK) - teleport around the map with a simple keyboard shortcut.
  • Infinite Jump - unlimited jumps to easily overcome obstacles.
  • Fly - flight function that allows you to explore the world of Roblox from a height.
  • God Mode - activates immortality mode.
  • ESP - extension that shows important objects on the map.
  • Aimbot - automatic aiming for accurate hits.
  • NoClip - the ability to pass through walls and objects.
  • Flash Light - flashlight function to improve visibility in dark areas.
How do I use the JJSploit injector?

Follow these steps to properly activate the executor and avoid crashes:
  1. Join the game - launch Roblox and enter the desired game.
  2. Open JJSploit - make sure the program is running on your device.
  3. Click on the big green “Join” button in JJSploit to activate the injector.
  4. Wait for a notification - look out for a notification in the bottom right corner of your screen in Roblox.
  5. Ready to use - once the notification appears, JJSploit is ready to go, and you can start injecting scripts.
Now you can start running scripts and using commands!

JJSploit FAQs

Q: Is it safe to use JJSploit?
A: JJSploit is developed by WeAreDevs, which guarantees its reliability. Antiviruses sometimes misidentify JJSploit as a virus because of the program's peculiarities.

Q: Why does the message about the game engine version mismatch appear?
A: Usually, an update is released within an hour, but sometimes it takes up to 6 hours. If the update is not installed, it is possible that your antivirus or firewall is blocking the update from being received. Disable your antivirus to install the update without problems.

Q: Why does the program sometimes crash when embedding scripts?
A: If JJSploit crashes on startup, try closing Roblox for 30 seconds and then start again. Sometimes it takes several tries or a computer restart for the injector to work stably.

Q: Does JJSploit work on Android?
A: No, JJSploit is only available for Windows PCs. For Android, you can use other injectors such as Arceus X or Hydrogen, which are great for Roblox on mobile devices.

Q: Why does JJSploit crash during the game?
A: Some scripts require a lot of RAM, which causes crashes. For example, the “Fly” function can cause the game to crash due to high load. Try not to use heavy scripts for too long.

Q: Why doesn't JJSploit work with the Windows Store version of Roblox?
A: JJSploit is only compatible with the web version of Roblox and does not support the Windows Store version. For full use, please choose the Roblox web client.

Where to download? --->
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