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Greetings, dear comrades of the Minecraft community! We extend a warm welcome to you as we embark together on an extraordinary journey through a boundless realm filled with wonders and enchantments beyond imagination! Within this thread lies a treasure trove of top-tier, free-to-download Minecraft resources, with one standout gem being the renowned source aptly titled "Expensive 1.16.5 Watermark | Expensive Ready"
We, as passionate players, truly understand the pivotal role that reliable and innovative content plays in elevating the overall gameplay experience. That's precisely why we've dedicated ourselves to curating this exceptional collection, ensuring that each entry has undergone meticulous testing and proven itself to be a game-changer, breathing new life and unbridled excitement into your beloved Minecraft world.
We throw the font in this way: assets/minecraft/Gilroy-Bold.ttf
We go to the Fonts class.java by this path: wtf\expensive\utility\font
Opening Fonts.java and stuff this code after public class Fonts {
We, as passionate players, truly understand the pivotal role that reliable and innovative content plays in elevating the overall gameplay experience. That's precisely why we've dedicated ourselves to curating this exceptional collection, ensuring that each entry has undergone meticulous testing and proven itself to be a game-changer, breathing new life and unbridled excitement into your beloved Minecraft world.
We throw the font in this way: assets/minecraft/Gilroy-Bold.ttf
You cant view this link please login.
We go to the Fonts class.java by this path: wtf\expensive\utility\font
Opening Fonts.java and stuff this code after public class Fonts {
public static FontRenderer expuchi = new FontRenderer(FontUtility.getFontFromTTF(new ResourceLocation("Gilroy-Bold.ttf"), 14, 0), true, true);
After that, we go to the HUDModule.java in this way: wtf/expensive/modules/impl/render/HUDModule.java
Insert the code below
Insert the code below
package wtf.expensive.modules.impl.render;
import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.ChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemAir;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.potion.Potion;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
import net.minecraft.util.StringUtils;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import wtf.expensive.Expensive;
import wtf.expensive.command.impl.CommandNameProtect;
import wtf.expensive.event.EventListener;
import wtf.expensive.event.impl.render.EventDraw;
import wtf.expensive.modules.Module;
import wtf.expensive.modules.ModuleAnnotation;
import wtf.expensive.modules.Type;
import wtf.expensive.modules.impl.combat.AuraModule;
import wtf.expensive.modules.settings.imp.BooleanSetting;
import wtf.expensive.utility.animations.Animation;
import wtf.expensive.utility.animations.Direction;
import wtf.expensive.utility.animations.impl.DecelerateAnimation;
import wtf.expensive.utility.color.ColorUtility;
import wtf.expensive.utility.drag.Dragging;
import wtf.expensive.utility.font.Fonts;
import wtf.expensive.utility.math.AnimationMath;
import wtf.expensive.utility.math.MathUtility;
import wtf.expensive.utility.render.GlowUtility;
import wtf.expensive.utility.render.RenderUtility;
import wtf.expensive.utility.shader.wtf.shader.RiseShaders;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
@ModuleAnnotation(name = "HUD", type = Type.RENDER)
public class HUDModule extends Module {
public BooleanSetting title = new BooleanSetting("Title", true);
public BooleanSetting showCoords = new BooleanSetting("Show Coordinates", true);
public BooleanSetting showPing = new BooleanSetting("Show Ping", true);
public BooleanSetting showFPS = new BooleanSetting("Show FPS", true);
public BooleanSetting showBPS = new BooleanSetting("Show BPS", true);
public static BooleanSetting showPotionStatus = new BooleanSetting("Show Potion Status", true);
public BooleanSetting showArmorHUD = new BooleanSetting("Show ArmorHUD", true);
public BooleanSetting showTarget = new BooleanSetting("Show TargetHUD", true);
public static BooleanSetting blur = new BooleanSetting("Blur", true);
public static BooleanSetting shadow = new BooleanSetting("Shadow", true);
float yAnimation = 0;
public float rotation = 0;
float hp, ar;
int posX, posY, alpha = 0;
private EntityLivingBase curTarget = null;
public final Dragging targetHUDDrag = Expensive.getInstance().createDrag(this, "targetHUD", 282, 266);
public final Dragging potionStatusDrag = Expensive.getInstance().createDrag(this, "potions", 856, 32);
Animation animation = new DecelerateAnimation(200, 255, Direction.FORWARDS);
private final EventListener<EventDraw> onRender = e -> {
if (e.type == EventDraw.RenderType.DISPLAY) {
if (title.get()) {
int x = 2;
int y = 4;
String watermark1 = "pastensive" + " | " + mc.player.getName() + " | " + Minecraft.getDebugFPS() + "fps | " + calculatePing() + "ms";
GlowUtility.drawGlowGradient(x + 7f, y + 10f, (float) (Fonts.expuchi.getStringWidth(watermark1)) + 10f, 7 + 7.1f, 15,
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0));
RenderUtility.drawGradientRound(x + 7f, y + 10f, (float) (Fonts.expuchi.getStringWidth(watermark1)) + 10f, 7 + 7.1f, 4,
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(55), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(150),
Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(200), Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.getColor(0));
RenderUtility.drawRound(x + 8f, y + 11f, (float) (Fonts.expuchi.getStringWidth(watermark1)) + 8f, 5 + 7.1f, 3, new Color(57, 50, 59, 255).getRGB());
Fonts.expuchi.drawString(watermark1, x + 11f, y + 15f, new Color(250, 249, 251, 255).getRGB());
yAnimation = AnimationMath.fast(yAnimation, mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat ?
Expensive.getInstance().getScaleMath().calc(14) : 0, 20);
final float[] pos = {4, e.sr.getScaledHeight() - 15 - (int) yAnimation};
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
if (showCoords.get())
strings.add("XYZ: " + (int) mc.player.posX + " " + (int) mc.player.posY + " " + (int) mc.player.posZ);
if (showFPS.get()) strings.add("FPS: " + Minecraft.getDebugFPS());
if (showBPS.get()) strings.add("BPS: " + calculateBPS());
if (showPing.get()) strings.add("Ping: " + (mc.isSingleplayer() ? 0 : calculatePing()) + "ms");
float x = 0;
for (String s : strings) {
float finalX = x;
if (shadow.get())
NORMAL_SHADOW_BLACK.add(() -> RenderUtility.drawRect(pos[0] + finalX, pos[1],
Fonts.ubuntu14.getStringWidth(s) + 4, 12f, ColorUtility.rgba(21, 21, 21, 50)));
if (blur.get())
NORMAL_BLUR_RUNNABLES.add(() -> RenderUtility.drawRect(pos[0] + finalX, pos[1],
Fonts.ubuntu14.getStringWidth(s) + 4, 12f, ColorUtility.rgba(21, 21, 21, 50)));
RenderUtility.drawRect(pos[0] + x, pos[1],
Fonts.ubuntu14.getStringWidth(s) + 4,
12f, ColorUtility.rgba(8, 8, 8, Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.alpha.get()));
Fonts.ubuntu14.drawString(s, pos[0] + x + 2
, pos[1] + 5f, Color.WHITE.getRGB());
x += Fonts.ubuntu14.getStringWidth(s) + 10;
alpha = (int) MathUtility.clamp(alpha, 0, 255);
if (AuraModule.instance.target != null) {
curTarget = AuraModule.instance.target;
} else if (mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat) {
curTarget = mc.player;
if (showTarget.get() && curTarget != null) {
float alphaSetting = Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist.alpha.get();
boolean isNameProtect = Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().get(NameProtect.class).state;
String protectName = CommandNameProtect.canChange ? CommandNameProtect.current : "§6Protected";
String name = isNameProtect && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayerSP ? protectName
: isNameProtect && NameProtect.youtuber.get() && curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer
? "Protected" : ChatFormatting.stripFormatting(curTarget.getName());
float width = Math.max(Fonts.SEMI_BOLD_14.getStringWidth(isNameProtect ? protectName : ChatFormatting.stripFormatting(curTarget.getName())) + 50, 100 + (25 / 2));
posX = (int) targetHUDDrag.getX();
posY = (int) targetHUDDrag.getY();
float x2 = posX;
if (AuraModule.instance.target != null || mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat
&& mc.player != null) {
} else {
hp = MathUtility.clamp(MathUtility.lerp(hp, curTarget.getHealth() / curTarget.getMaxHealth(),
(float) (12 * AnimationMath.deltaTime())), 0, 1);
alpha = (int) animation.getOutput();
if (shadow.get() && alpha > 80)
NORMAL_SHADOW_BLACK.add(() -> RiseShaders.RQ.draw(posX, posY, width, 35.5f, 2,
new Color(0, 0, 0, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 0, 50))));
if (blur.get() && alpha > 80)
NORMAL_BLUR_RUNNABLES.add(() -> RiseShaders.RQ.draw(posX, posY, width, 35.5f, 2,
new Color(0, 0, 0, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 0, 50))));
RenderUtility.drawRound(posX, posY, width, 35.5f, 2,
ColorUtility.rgba(0, 0, 0, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 0, (int) alphaSetting)));
RenderUtility.drawRound(posX + 34.5f, posY + 26, (width - 37.5f), 6, 0,
ColorUtility.rgba(25, 25, 25, alpha));
RenderUtility.drawGradientHorizontal(posX + 34.5f, posY + 26, (width - 37.5f) * hp, 6,
0, ColorUtility.applyOpacity(new Color(Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().arraylist
.getColor(280)), alpha).getRGB(),
ColorUtility.applyOpacity(new Color(Expensive.getInstance().getModuleManager().
arraylist.getColor(1)), alpha).getRGB());
if (curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer)
RenderUtility.drawFace(alpha, posX + 1.5f, posY + 1.5f, 8, 8, 8, 8, 30,
32.5f, 64, 64, (AbstractClientPlayer) curTarget);
if (!(curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer) && curTarget != null) {
RenderUtility.drawRect(posX + 1.5f, posY + 1.5f, 30, 32.5f, ColorUtility.rgba(0, 0, 0, alpha));
if (alpha > 1)
Fonts.SEMI_BOLD_18.drawCenteredString("?", posX + 1.5f + (30 / 2), posY + 1.5f + (28 / 2), ColorUtility.rgba(255, 255, 255, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 10, 255)));
if (alpha > 80) {
if (curTarget instanceof EntityPlayer)
drawItemTargetHUD((EntityPlayer) curTarget, posX, posY, x2);
Fonts.SEMI_BOLD_14.drawString(name, posX + 34.5f, posY + 4.5f,
ColorUtility.rgba(200, 200, 200, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 10, 255)));
Fonts.MONTSERRAT12.drawCenteredStringWithShadow(MathUtility.round(hp * 100, 0.1f) +
"%", posX + 34.5f + (width - 37.5f) / 2, posY + 28f
, ColorUtility.rgba(255, 255, 255, MathHelper.clamp(alpha, 10, 255)));
if (showPotionStatus.get()) {
ScaledResolution res = new ScaledResolution(mc);
List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(mc.player.getActivePotionEffects());
int j = 0;
int width = Expensive.getInstance().getScaleMath().calc(res.getScaledWidth());
boolean reverse = potionStatusDrag.getX() > width / 2;
for (PotionEffect potionEffect : effects) {
Potion potion = potionEffect.getPotion();
String power = switch (potionEffect.getAmplifier()) {
case 0 -> "I";
case 1 -> "II";
case 2 -> "III";
case 3 -> "IV";
case 4 -> "V";
default -> "";
String s = I18n.format(potionEffect.getPotion().getName()) + " " + power;
String s2 = getDuration(potionEffect) + "";
float maxWidth = Math.max(Fonts.MONTSERRAT14.getStringWidth(s), Fonts.MONTSERRAT12.getStringWidth(s2))
+ 32;
potionStatusDrag.setWidth((int) (reverse ? maxWidth + 20 : maxWidth));
potionStatusDrag.setHeight(j + 30);
GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (reverse) {
if (potion.hasStatusIcon()) {
int i1 = potion.getStatusIconIndex();
new Gui().drawTexturedModalRect((float) ((potionStatusDrag.getX()) + 80), (potionStatusDrag.getY() + j) + 6, i1 % 8 * 18, 198 + i1 / 8 * 18, 18, 18);
Fonts.MONTSERRAT14.drawString(s, potionStatusDrag.getX() - maxWidth + 110, potionStatusDrag.getY() + j + 11.5f, -1);
Fonts.MONTSERRAT12.drawString(s2, potionStatusDrag.getX() + 60, potionStatusDrag.getY() + j + 20, new Color(205, 205, 205, 205).getRGB());
} else {
if (potion.hasStatusIcon()) {
int i1 = potion.getStatusIconIndex();
new Gui().drawTexturedModalRect((potionStatusDrag.getX()) + 5, (potionStatusDrag.getY() + j) + 7f, i1 % 8 * 18, 198 + i1 / 8 * 18, 18, 18);
Fonts.MONTSERRAT14.drawString(s, potionStatusDrag.getX() + +28, potionStatusDrag.getY() + j + 11.5f, -1);
Fonts.MONTSERRAT12.drawString(s2, potionStatusDrag.getX() + 28, potionStatusDrag.getY() + j + 19f, new Color(205, 205, 205, 205).getRGB());
j += 20;
if (showArmorHUD.get()) {
ScaledResolution resolution = new ScaledResolution(mc);
GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
final List<ItemStack> armor = new ArrayList<>();
if (mc.player.getAir() < 300) {
GL11.glTranslatef(0, -8, 0);
} else if (mc.player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
GL11.glTranslatef(0, 10, 0);
if (!armor.isEmpty())
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ItemStack stack = armor.get(i);
if (!(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemAir)) {
String str = String.valueOf(stack.getMaxDamage() - stack.getItemDamage());
resolution.getScaledWidth() / 2 - Fonts.SEMI_BOLD_16.getStringWidth(str) / 2 + 18 + i * 22,
resolution.getScaledHeight() - 62, ColorUtility.rgba(200, 200, 200, 255));
drawItemStack(stack, resolution.getScaledWidth() / 2 + 10 + i * 22, Expensive.getInstance().getScaleMath().calc(resolution.getScaledHeight()) - 55);
private void drawItemStack(ItemStack stack, double x, double y) {
GL11.glTranslated(x, y, 0);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(stack, 0, 0);
mc.getRenderItem().renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(mc.fontRendererObj, stack, 0, 0, null);
public static void drawItemTargetHUD(EntityPlayer player, float posX, float posY, float x2) {
List<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(player.getHeldItemMainhand(), player.getHeldItemOffhand()));
for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
ItemStack getEquipmentInSlot = player.getEquipmentInSlot(i);
for (ItemStack itemStack : list) {
GlStateManager.translate(posX, posY, 1.0f);
GlStateManager.scale(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
GlStateManager.translate(-posX - 7, -posY + 10, 1.0f);
RenderUtility.renderItem(itemStack, (int) x2 + 50, (int) (posY + 6));
x2 += 18.0f;
public String calculateBPS() {
return String.format("%.2f", Math.hypot(mc.player.posX - mc.player.prevPosX, mc.player.posZ - mc.player.prevPosZ) * (double) mc.timer.timerSpeed * 20.0D);
public int calculatePing() {
return mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfo(mc.player.getUniqueID()) != null ?
mc.player.connection.getPlayerInfo(mc.player.getUniqueID()).getResponseTime() : 0;
public static String getDuration(PotionEffect potionEffect) {
if (potionEffect.getIsPotionDurationMax()) {
return "**:**";
} else {
return StringUtils.ticksToElapsedTime(potionEffect.getDuration());
public static Color astolfo(float yDist, float yTotal, float saturation, float speedt) {
float speed = 1800f;
float hue = (System.currentTimeMillis() % (int) speed) + (yTotal - yDist) * speedt;
while (hue > speed) {
hue -= speed;
hue /= speed;
if (hue > 0.5) {
hue = 0.5F - (hue - 0.5f);
hue += 0.5F;
return Color.getHSBColor(hue, saturation, 1F);