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Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
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Hello everyone! Since some cheats for Roblox started to shut down, some just stop updating, need to search for alternatives. I still not uploaded any cheat for Roblox on iPhone, but today found for you already well-known Cryptic. Although at the moment of writing this article, PC version of Cryptic not working, on Android and iPhone it works without questions.


Detailed info about Roblox cheat "Cryptic" for iOS

  • Level 8 anti-cheat protection. That means max anti-ban, can use it calmly (can be banned only manually or in case of global ban wave);
  • 100% sUNC. That means, that 99% working scripts will start (1% leaving for something unexpected);
  • Bypasses Roblox Anti-Tamper;

Download hacked Roblox on iPhone and iPad

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How to install injector on Roblox for phone?

Everything works with the help of signing the IPA file of injector and then installing. There are many ways how to do this, I found actual and working at the moment of writing this article:

  1. Go to DNS section on MADNS Toasty site.
  2. Click on "Toasty DNS".
  3. Click on blue text a little lower on page with name of DNS server to install it.
  4. Will pop up window where need to click "Allow". DNS server profile will download.
  5. Now go to settings, to "General" section, then at very bottom "VPN and device management".
  6. Find there "Antirevoke", enter it and at top right click "Install". We installed DNS-server so developer certificate we install later will not be revoked.
  7. Go back to MADNS site, go to "Signer".
  8. Scroll a little lower and in section "Khoindvn Esign" click on very first certificate "AVEX DIGITAL INC". In pop-up window click "Install".
  9. After installation is complete, go back to settings (same section with VPN), allow certificate installation and restart iPhone.
  10. Go back to site, scroll even lower and at very bottom download "Khoidvn Esign Certificates".
  11. Now open installed app "Esign" on phone (should have installed at step 9).
  12. At very top right click three dots, import, choose .zip file with certificates (downloaded at step 10).
  13. Now, when certificates imported, click near name on round icon with "i" inside, extract.
  14. Go to folder with extracted certificates, click on first one (AVEX DIGITAL INC), click import.
  15. Download by link above our Cryptic .ipa file.
  16. Open app "Esign" again.
  17. Again click at top right three dots, import downloaded cryptic.ipa.
  18. In app go to "Apps" section at bottom, there should appear our Roblox injector for iPhone, click "Signature" and then "Install".
  19. As soon as install everything will start working, on iPhone home screen will appear Roblox icon, this is our cheat.
  20. Next get the key, same as in other injectors and inject lua scripts.

Instruction turned out long, but detailed. All because on iOS installing hacks more complicated, system is closed.

For those who want to see visually where to click, suggest watching following video:


  1. How to get key for cheat?
    Need to go through steps in key system, it will appear on first launch. As soon as 2/2 completed, key will auto copy to clipboard.
  2. Why lags a lot?
    Cheat maximally optimized and should not have lags. They can appear if your phone too simple or old, where maybe not enough RAM and storage for injector to work.
  3. Is this same injector for other platforms?
    Yes, at moment of writing article, hack for Roblox works perfectly and in process of rewriting code for PC executor. Software updates almost every day, so project develops, soon will be even more functions.
  4. Who is creator of Cryptic Roblox Executor?
    Developer's nickname - Reaper. As stated on official site, this person does everything alone, creates good software without viruses, malware and other garbage that can harm community.


Considering that on iPhone or iPad not many injectors, I think Cryptic is best alternative to paid software right now. They have both PC version and Android, now also on iOS. Considering it is also free – then it's just super. Only thing is need to get key once per day, but that is not hard. Software updates often, I will also watch for this and quickly update download link in this topic. If anyone has questions, write in comments, we will figure it out.