Guide Dota 2 lobby cheats: how to use dota 2 lobby cheat codes?


Mar 25, 2020
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Hey! In this article we'll talk about cheat codes using in dota 2 lobby for training on a local server or just for fun games with friends. Let's take a look at all existing cheats, codes and learn how to use them.


About the game
Dota 2 is a MOBA, one of the most popular steam games, developed by Valve, where two teams fight each other in real time. Each player controls his own character, who constantly grows stronger by gaining levels, unlocking new skills, and acquiring items. The game ends when one of the teams destroys the opponent's throne. Of course, for a good level of play you need to hone your skills, have well knowledge of characters abilities, the features of the map and items. Cheats for lobby dota 2, which is left below will perfectly assist you on this

About dota 2 cheats
Cheat codes (or just cheats) - some commands that you can use on a local server to give yourself gold, create a hero, give out items and more. This can be used on a training server, or for playing Dota 2 with friends, cheats cannot be used in matches on Valve servers.

How to enable cheats in Dota 2?
  • click the “enable cheats” checkbox when creating a lobby;
  • start the match and wait until it's loaded;
  • open chat and send commands from the list below.

All basic commands
Cheat codeDescription
-lvlup [уровень]Raise the hero's level
-levelbots [уровень]Raise the bots level
-item [предмет]Give yourself an item
-gold [количество золота]Give some amount of gold
-respawnRespawn your hero
-wtf / -unwtfTurn off or on a cooldowns and mana consumption
-spawncreeps / -spawnneutralsRespawn of creeps / neutral creeps
-disablecreepspawn / -enablecreepspawnDisable / enable creep spawn
-allvision / -normalvisionTurns on / off vision of enemy heroes, towers, etc.
-startgameSet a timer on 00:00 and starts the game

How to create a hero in Dota 2?
To create a hero in Dota 2 you should use command -createhero, it is used with the name of the desired character, for example, -createhero pudge will add pudge to your team. In order to add a hero to the opposite team you need to add enemy after the name of the hero. Thus the command -createhero juggernaut enemy will add an enemy juggernaut to the game. Also if you use the command neutral instead of enemy, the hero you create will be neutral. This is all you need to know about the command “-createhero”.

Creating creeps in Dota 2
Creeps are created with the same command as heroes (-createhero), but in addition to the type of creep you need to specify its side and strength.

First, let's break down the types of creeps in Dota 2:
  • creep mage (ranged);
  • Cryp-Swordsman (melee);
  • Catapult (siege).
Creep enhancements:
  • super (tier 2) (upgraded);
  • mega (tier 3) (upgraded_mega).
Creep sides:
  • forces of light (goodguys);
  • forces of darkness (badguys).
When creating a creep, you must write the command in the following order: creep_, side, creep type, then enhancement. For example, -createhero creep_badguys_melee_upgraded_mega will create a controlled tier 3 creep swordsman of enemy team, and -createhero creep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded will add a tier 2 creep mage to the forces of Light.


If you are creating a catapult, you don't need to write creep_. You start right away with a side note, such as -createhero goodguys_siege to create a regular catapult for the forces of light, or -createhero badguys_siege_upgraded_mega to create a tier 3 catapult for the forces of darkness.
