Mar 1, 2019
Reaction score
The competitive system in DeadLock decides your placement in matches as well as your skill level. Your Matchmaking Rating, quality of in-game competition, and Rank in Deadlock —are determined through the results of games, with an increased focus on wins and personal performance. In this article, we’re going to see how the ranked mode works in Valves new MOBA game, which ranks and subranks you can get, and how you can improve your ranking. I will let you guys know about Deadlock ranked mode everything that I know by myself.

deadlock mmr

Does MMR gaming mode in Deadlock even make sense?

Rating is a player competitive Deadlock experience used to compare you with players of similar skill levels. In Dead Lock, your ranking is based on your games played, wins and losses, personal achievements, grind, and team accomplishments in the game. If you have a higher match making ranking you will play with more skilled players.

Despite that Deadlock just recently introduced on PC, this is the same as in any other Valve games.

How does the ranked system work in Deadlock?

Game have ranked distribution where each rank depicts the level of skill of the player.
  • Your match making points and overall gameplay performance determine your ranks in Deadlock. Aiming for wins would be your main goal to qualify for a ranked medals. Winning seven matches is an important aspect of getting the best MMR and be eligible to ranked play.
  • Working together counts DeadLock is a game designed for teams.
  • It is not only important to play great individually but also to help the team. You need teamwork and coordination to win.
  • Sharpen your skills by improving your accuracy, reaction time, and strategic thinking. Getting better at these things will help you rank up faster.
  • Always check your statistics (for example, every Tuesday); analyzing your game is the first step to fixing mistakes.
  • Work on boosting your own ego. But not only your win rate, and KDA, but also your kills, shots and teamwork!

How to prevent losing MMR points in Valve Deadlock

  1. Do not play ranked while you are off! Your teammates can kick and you get ban.
  2. Don’t start queue if you’re tired or not in top form, just take a break instead of risking more loss of ranking from playing badly.
  3. When your team does poorly, it affects your rating negatively.
  4. Work to keep the team strong and stop what isn’t working.
  5. Take a look at your past mistakes so you aren’t repeating them the next game.
deadlock ranking

How can I quickly improve my Deadlock MMR statistics?

  1. If you want to quickly receive a rank, you need to be focused on winning games, while also winning the personal and team fights. Every teamfight can quickly move game situation in another direction. Few minutes ago you were losing, now you're pushing lines and destroys enemy base. Game situation updates every second.
  2. Take your time in enhancing your skills and aim for gradual improvement and results.

Deadlock ranked mode explained

deadlock ranks

Based on the tracker stats by January 2025, I will show you what percentage of players own a particular rank.

Name of rankHow much players own
Initiate (also known as Obscurus)It’s a starting rank.
EternusThe highest rank tier, 0.6%.

Rank distribution and player base statistics

deadlock tracker

Dead Lock as far as the most popular rank is concerned, it hasn't gotten very far from Dota or CS:2. Here are too, what's in the middle is the most popular.

Therefore, according to the gaming Tracker, Archon is the most common in ranked matches after calibration and the one with the most matches. Eternus is the highest rank in Deadlok so there're not much players on this tier, only professional gamers. Oracle and emissary are the second and third of popular ranks, so if you had unlocked archon, oracle or emissary after calibration, you're a good player with semi-pro skills.

I recommend you to play a minimum of seven games every week to train your aim more and to unlock high-tier badges. If you do this, you can upgrade your rank from lowest to highest very quickly.

FAQ about ranked system

  • How do Deadlock ranks work?

    In each game you get MMR, higher points = higher medal. You need to win seven ranked matches to qualify and earn badges.
  • What's a good rank in Deadlock?

    Emissary is a happy medium subrank that proves that you have a good skill.
  • What is Deadlock on steam?

    Dedlock is a new game that under development and in beta test. To participate in beta testing you need to get an invite.
  • What is the highest rank in Deadlock?

    It is Eternus.
  • What is the obscurus rank in Deadlock?

    It is a starting rank, when you only joined the game.
  • Can you downgrade Deadlock rank?

    Yes. Your gaming rank can drop if you lose a lot of games and your MMR drops. To maintain your badge, stay consistent and avoid back-to-back losses.
  • How to improve in-game performance?

    To improve your stats, you should practice accuracy, reflexes, and team coordination. Try out different strategies/roles according to your playstyle.
  • How does teamwork influence MMR-points in Deadlock?

    Working with your teammates to qualify a lot faster. The road to victory in Dedlok is by teamwork. Play for the win, team up, and play on the same wavelength.


In this game your rank represents your talent, and it also allows you to play more interesting and complex gameplay. Don't forget to get some of your mates to make fun and interesting content. Playing with your brothers makes even the darkest days better, no matter what local time it is in between. Whether you're in Oceania or South America, all you need to know is: be yourself, lots of players play worse, winning matches isn't the big deal, it's not about winning or losing, it's just a game.
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