
Oct 22, 2024
Reaction score
Continuing the series of guides on the online game Deadlock, I can’t not tell about the tier list of heroes. Each of the available 22 characters in the game has their own weak and strong sides, but with the update released on Steam on December 6, many mechanics, parameters, and even skills were changed, which naturally affected the game balance. Now Dead Lock is gaining more popularity, so I decided to share with you the best and worst heroes in 2024.

deadlock tracker


How is the Deadlock heroes rating composed?

On the website “Tracklock” each update the top heroes is updated, based on the percentage of wins and picks, I in general agree with it and will tell about it today. If you click on the website name in the previous sentence, you can get more familiar with the ranked list of heroes, but in this article I will tell about the top-3 best and top-3 worst at the moment.
  • 80% significance, of course, is given to the overall Win Rate of the character, it’s the total percentage of games won.
  • 20% remains on Pick Rate – the amount that counts how often the hero is taken in matches.
  • And based on this, each hero is assigned a certain rank (from S to D).
Of course, you can’t forget that this is only statistics and it might not reflect the real game situation in Dead Lock. Numbers are just math, but what build is used, in what order skills are leveled up – these are the main criteria of a won match.

Top-3 best heroes of Deadlock in the current update


In the first place “settled” Warden. According to the resource, Warden has almost 54% win rate and 72% pick rate in the current patch of Deadlock.
  • This is not surprising, such an imbalanced tank works great both solo and in a team, for example with Abrams, although the Guardian was nerfed a bit, reducing resistance to damage from Last Stand by 2 times.
  • However, the boost Titanic Magazine by 5% resistance and Point Blank by 20% basically balances this change.
  • Buying Sharpshooter additionally, which was greatly improved (+10% damage from previous and +20% range) you can get an even stronger and unkillable hero.
In second place Haze. She has almost 52% win rate and a whole 96% pick rate.
  • It’s clear why Haze is taken so often, all that damage in close combat from other heroes in Deadlock can only be contributed by Yamatо.
  • Sleep Dagger was nerfed a bit, removing the sleep effect after hitting, now you can move at 2 meters/sec, but without the ability to use items.
  • Also increased the cooldown of the ultimate from 138 seconds to 150, however, this does not significantly affect the playability of Haze, especially considering the purchase of Sharpshooter.
The only thing that might hinder long game is the reduced damage from Fixation by 20% (from 0.15 to 0.12), so Haze is a character to win quickly, before others farmed creeps, otherwise the chances of victory will gradually fade, especially if the opponents have many tanks or other DPS heroes.

In third place Vindicta with 52.6% win rate and 70% pick rate.
  • Vindicta is like a Sniper in Dota, who is always picked, but you need to be a bit further, not to rush and then the win will be in the pocket.
  • With the new Deadlock Assasinate requires more time between shots (from 1.6 to 2 seconds), which reduces the pace of her attacks.
  • Also her base HP was reduced from 550 to 525, which further decreased survivability.
  • And the boost Stake in cooldown and Crow Familiar in crow speed doesn’t compensate much.
Apparently the developers noticed that Vindicta in the last Deadlock patch was just unkillable and decided to fix this character. But all this can be compensated by buying the improved in the update Berserker and Frenzy.

Top-3 worst heroes in the patch from 06.12.2024


Kelvin leader from the end. From the moment Deadlock was released, Kelvin seemed to me a very weak character, even as a support. Unclear and basically useless two skills that don’t help in the game at all, low damage per second (DPS). No surprise that Kelvin has only 44.8% wins and 27.8% pick rate.

And the changes in the patch have further reduced his effectiveness:
  • Frozen Shelter now has a longer cooldown (from 127 to 130 seconds), which makes it less stable for defense.
  • Frost Grenade now slows stamina recovery, which can help in control, but overall Kelvin can’t withstand a lot of damage from fast opponents.
Next is Pocket. Personally, I really like playing Pocket, but with each match in which I pick him, I understand that against heroes from the best list, he has nothing. Yes, even from the middle of the tier list many counter him, especially considering that:
  • Affliction now deals much less damage (from 27 to 12), which further weakens his control abilities.
  • And increasing the cooldown time and reducing the maneuvering time of Flying Cloak reduces mobility.
Considering how much Pocket’s ultimate was nerfed, you can say he lost his ability to deal stable damage and effectively fight in close combat.

And in third place from the end Gray Talon. Once one of the strongest damage dealers has a 47% win rate and 45% pick rate.

Overall, if you compare these indicators with other heroes from Tier C or B, the difference of a couple of percent won’t let me say that Gray Talon became somehow cut down. Rather the opposite, the developers are trying to give more perks, improve the hero. For example, the Charged Shot in Spirit Snare (that’s now what Immobilizing Trap is called) shot will cause the trap to trigger instantly with a 30% increased radius, which gives more control.


Overall, the changes in the update had a big impact on the meta of Deadlock game. Besides fixing Deadlock FPS and many other bugs, the top heroes in the update remained characters with high DPS, and supports dropped below. However, every hero will find their fan, and the developers are increasingly listening to the community’s opinion, changing mechanics and releasing useful updates. At the same time, I want to note that your build on the hero in Dead Lock also has a big impact, because buying the right item or leveling up a skill in time can turn the course of the game to another position in one fight.