
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Oct 22, 2024
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Yo, friends! Last time I shared AHK-script for MW3 and BO6. So, now take cool update of hack for Black Ops 6 - here is even more features than in previous version! And all stay like before: safe, comfortable and no risk of ban (for now, but in future I don’t guarantee 100%). Let’s check what features and stuff this hack have.

cod hack

What functions have this cheat for Black Ops 6​

  1. Aimbot with settings for all tastes. Well, it’s default: choose bone (head/chest), set smooth and aiming radius.
  2. Auto recoil control (called antirecoil). You press LMB, cheat automatic control recoil. More smooth aim, more strong. Without RCS nowhere, you can’t kill nobody in any game.
  3. Aim assist. Can say it’s half aimbot, will help to aim, a little bit pull crosshair.
  4. Zombie mode. I think here all clear - cheat will work in zombie mode when this checkbox is on.
  5. Rapidfire. This function mean that cheat will shoot whole mag very fast, translate from English like "very fast shots". Those who played CS:2 understand what is this function.
  6. Auto reload. No need to press R button to reload your weapon, script will do it self.
  7. Flexible config settings. Can save presets, move menu how you want.

What needed for work and launch cheat on Call of Duty Black Ops 6?​

  1. Program: AutoHotkey version 1.
  2. Author play on 21:9 screen with resolution 3440x1440.
  3. How open menu: press Home in battle — and voila!

How to install?​

  1. Copy code from spoiler below in file .ahk (if don’t know how — guide in end will help you).
  2. Launch game, all load, enjoy.
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Guide for .AHK scripts for newcomers: AutoHotkey: Where to download AHK and how to make an AHK script?

Good luck in matches, bro! If have some questions, write in comments.