
Mar 15, 2021
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Cheats for Battlefield4. In the cheat for BF4 there is an Aimbot with which you will dominate the game and easily kill enemies. Aimbot calculates target movements and bullet ballistics, which makes it much easier to hit the target! BF 4 cheat will show all players, equipment, any grenades and mines, in the battlefield 4 cheat there is a radar that will display players on the map for you, in the BF4 cheat there is a No Recoil function that disables recoil for any weapon and bullet spread.



1f4cc.png.2838e404f49f239706e0a74a5fd83d3d.png Technical information:
  • Supported game version: Steam / Origin
  • Supported game mode: Fullscreen or windowed
  • Supported OS: Windows 10&11 x64, versions (20H2 / 21H1 / 21H2 / 22H2 / 23H2)
  • Supported anti-cheats: FairFight, Punkbuster
  • Supported processors: Intel and AMD
  • Support for invisibility in videos or screenshots: No

1f4cc.png.2838e404f49f239706e0a74a5fd83d3d.png Product Description / Feature List:

Visual (highlighting players and objects)
  • Player Names / Show names
  • Draw Team / ESP for your team
  • Distance Tags / Show distance
  • Health Bar / Life bar
  • Bounding Box / ESP in the form of a box
  • Enemy Line / Lines to players
  • Crosshair / Crosshair
  • Skeleton / Display skeleton
  • Aim Point / AIM point showing where it is better to shoot
  • Enemy Color / Color of an enemy that is not visible
  • Visible Color / Color of an enemy that is visible
  • Vehicle Color / Color of a vehicle that is not visible
  • Visible Color Vehicle / Color of a vehicle that is visible
  • Crosshair Size / Crosshair size
  • Crosshair Color / Crosshair color
  • Team Color / Color of your team
  • Explosives / Show explosives
  • Pickup/Supply / Show ESP for first aid kits/ammunition/special weapons that appear on the map
  • Bullets / Show ESP for bullets
  • DogTags / Highlighting unique tokens (they are only on the DLC "Final Stand" maps)
  • Gadgets / Show gadgets
2D radar
  • Enable Radar / Enable/disable radar
  • Radar Box / Radar background
  • Radar Сross / Radar grid
  • Radar Vehicle Type / Show vehicles
  • Radar Cross to center / Radar in the center of the screen
  • Radar Dot / Dot in the center of the radar
  • Radar Fov / Radar visibility area
  • Radar Size / Radar size
  • Radar Dots Size / Radar dot size
  • Radar Border Color / Radar background color
  • Radar Cross Color / Radar grid color
  • Radar Pos X / Radar position on the X axis
  • Radar Pos Y / Radar position on the Y axis
  • Radar Scope / Adjust the display scale
Aimbot (auto-aiming)
  • Aimbot / Enable AIM
  • Auto Aimbot / Auto AIM
  • Auto Fite / Auto shooting
  • Visible Checks / AIM only works on those in the line of sight
  • Switch Target / AIM does not switch to another target while locked on the current target
  • Aim at Vehicle / AIM on vehicles
  • Aim Lock / AIM does not switch to another target while locked on the current target
  • Vehicle Bullet Per Shot / Changes the number of bullets and shells fired from vehicles in one shot (effective against infantry only)
  • Vehicle Slot Hack / Ability to install all types of ammunition for the main weapon on vehicles (for example: a tank will fire three shells in one shot - sub-caliber, armor-piercing, explosive.)
  • Aiming Speeding / AIM aiming speed
  • Limit Aim Angle / AIM working angle
  • Auto Fire Delay / Autofire delay
  • Bullet Per Shot / Adjusts the number of bullets and shells per shot (vehicles only)
  • Aim Key / Standard key for AIM
  • Alternative Aim Key / Additional key for AIM
  • Aim Zone (Head, Neck, Butt, Left shoulder, Breast, Left Thigh, Right Thigh) / AIM Zone (Head, Neck, Torso, Left shoulder, Breast, Left hip, Right hip)
  • Aiming Style (Near Crosshair, Closest Target, Lowest Health) / AIM style (near the crosshair, closest target, lowest health)
Removals (additional functions for weapons)
  • No Input / Disabling the mouse when AIM
  • No Spread / No spread
  • No Recoil / No recoil
  • Spread, Recoil Controller / Adjusting these options (the lower the parameter, the less recoil and spread)
Misc (additional functions)
  • Auto Spot / Automatic marking of opponents
  • Spot Through Walls / Mark opponents ignoring walls
  • Afterburner / Afterburner or turbo (does not allow you to press the brake if active)
  • Auto Eject / Automatic jumping out of vehicles
  • Minimap Hack / Displaying opponents on the game mini-map
  • Auto Heal / Replenishing your own health when shooting from a weapon or waving a knife (works automatically when enabled)
  • Magic Bullets / Magic bullets (When shooting within a radius of 1-1.5 m from the enemy, bullets will fly at him. Works only on BULLETS, including from vehicles)
  • Magic Bullets Headshot / Similar to Magic Bullets, but kills occur strictly in the head
  • Heal Bullets / When shooting at your allies, their health will be replenished;
  • Teleport / Teleport in the direction of your gaze
  • Ping Spoof / Substitute ping on the server
  • Invisible Hack / Makes you invisible to opponents (works only with the default skin)
  • Gadgets Slot Hack / Allows you to select gadgets that are unavailable for this class
  • AutoSpot Time Interval / Time interval when marking opponents will occur
  • Fly Hack / Ability to fly
  • Unlimited Ammo / Infinite ammo
  • Spotting FOV / Setting the working angle of marking opponents
  • Jet Speed Control / The speed that will be maintained by the jet
  • Auto Eject (Health) / The ability to set at what percentage of life the player will automatically jump out of the vehicle
  • Jet Helper Key / Set the key for the jet assistant
  • Magic Bullets Key / Set the key for magic bullets
  • Teleport Key / Set the key for teleportation
  • Super Jump Key / Set the key for a super jump
  • Fly Hack Key / Set the key for flights
Setting (settings)
  • Save Setting / Saving cheat settings
  • Load Setting / Loading saved cheat settings
  • Menu Key / Ability to set your own button to call the cheat menu
* The functionality of the program can be changed at any time at the discretion of the developer, but we always try to keep the information up to date.

1f4cc.png.2838e404f49f239706e0a74a5fd83d3d.png Multimedia:



1f4cc.png.2838e404f49f239706e0a74a5fd83d3d.png Instructions: (Purchase, activation, delivery)

Buy a subscription:
What to do after purchasing the key, how to receive the product and run the program?
How to get the product?
  • After payment, click on the "Return to the seller's website" button, the letter with the product is additionally duplicated to your e-mail specified during payment;
  • In the product description in your personal account on the Oplata.info website, your purchased key will be indicated.
How to launch a cheat?
  • In your personal account on Oplata.info, click on the "User's Guide" button, the instructions will contain a link to download Loader, instructions for installation, registration in it and launching the purchased product, carefully read everything that is written, then proceed to follow the instructions.
Useful information:
  • In any game with any cheat, it is possible to get an account block, play as carefully as possible, we recommend using cheats only on accounts that you will not be sorry to lose in case of blocking. If the cheat is detected and goes into the "Detected" status or you get a game block, there is no refund.

Check Windows system compatibility
Works on Windows 10&11 x64, versions (20H2 / 21H1 / 21H2 / 22H2 / 23H2)

You can check your build using the instructions below:

Press the Win keys (windows flag) + R on the keyboard, enter:winver
in the Run window and press Enter, a window with information will appear, if your build is included in this list, you can purchase a key. (It is recommended to install Windows 10 build 21H2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question: Will the cheat work with two monitors?
Answer: No.

Question: Can I buy a key for items from games or for an account?
Answer: No.

Question: What should I do if my Windows build does not meet the cheat requirements?
Answer: You need to reinstall Windows on a suitable build (since the description specifies system requirements and instructions for checking compatibility), if you need help, write to me and I will send detailed instructions on how to do this.

Question: Will the cheat work with antivirus software enabled?
Answer: No, the loader file needs to be added to the antivirus exceptions, BUT this does not always help, most often the antivirus needs to be removed.

Question: Can I buy a key without a commission?
Answer: Yes, you can write to me using the contacts listed in the topic and pay for the key directly through me.

Question: Can I be banned for using cheats?
Answer: Yes, there is always a risk of getting banned, no one can guarantee you 100% protection (no matter what cheat we are talking about), you can get banned for (frank play and when the cheat is detected), so when paying for a subscription, you must be aware of all the risks and NOT use cheats on your main accounts, only on those that you will not mind losing.

Question: Can I get my money back if I get my account banned?
Answer: No, when paying for a subscription, you must understand that there is always a risk of getting banned, no one can guarantee you 100% protection, and therefore you make your choice consciously. We do not recommend using cheats on your main accounts, play only on those accounts that you will not mind losing.

Question: I didn't like the cheat, can I get my money back?
Answer: No, before paying for a subscription, you must read the description, check its current status, you can do this directly in the topic with the cheat, because it always provides up-to-date information. If you need to ask additional questions, write to me personally using the contacts specified in the topic and/or my profile. If you are negligent in the purchase process, then the return will be denied.

Question: Can I return the key after it was given to me?
Answer: No, after you were given the key, it can no longer be revoked, please take this into account. By paying, you automatically agree to this rule.

Question: I have a weak PC (laptop) and I have low FPS, can I use the cheat, will there be problems?
Answer: You can use the cheat, BUT, if your PC (laptop) is so unplayable, think twice whether it is worth paying for the subscription, because in this case, a refund is NOT provided.

Question: Do you provide technical support to your users?
Answer: Yes, I provide full technical support to all my users who paid for a subscription through me directly or through my resources (help with preliminary preparation of the Windows OS, installation and registration in the loader, launching the cheat)

Question: Will the cheat work with Faceit installed on the PC?
Answer: No.

Question: I have Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1, will the cheat work?
Answer: No.

Question: I bought a key and my version of Windows is not suitable for the cheat, what should I do?
Answer: Reinstall Windows to a suitable build (since the description indicates system requirements and instructions for checking compatibility), if you need help, write to me and I will send detailed instructions on how to do this.

Question: Are there technically unsolvable problems when installing the cheat? which can only be solved by reinstalling Windows.
Answer: Yes, this is quite possible, not always of course, but it sometimes happens, please take this into account when purchasing, if you are not ready to reinstall the system in such cases, please refuse to purchase.

Question: My version of Windows is corporate, custom (LTSC), with remote security services, etc., etc., will the cheat work on this version if it matches the build number?
Answer: Most often, yes, there are no problems, but you should take into account that if technically unsolvable problems arise, in this case you will need to reinstall Windows. I can provide the required Windows build and additional instructions if necessary.

Question: I use a TV (TV) instead of a monitor, will the cheat work in this case?
Answer: No, you will need to turn off the TV (TV) and switch only to the monitor from your PC / Laptop.

Question: What will I get after payment?
Answer: After payment, you will receive detailed instructions on how to activate, launch and use the program. Which will be sent to the email address you specified before payment. There you will also find a download link and the necessary components for the program to work.

Question: I bought a cheat and after the game was updated, it was frozen, will I be compensated for the time?
Answer: During the cheat update, the subscription is also frozen and is not spent, you do not lose anything.

Question: What should I do if I accidentally bought a key while the cheat was frozen for an update?
Answer: Wait for the cheat update, as soon as it is updated and unfrozen, you will be able to activate the purchased key. Current information about the cheat status will be reported in the topic with the cheat, indicating the date.

Question: Why may some functions not work while using the cheat?
Answer: You pay for a subscription (access to the cheat for 30 days) during use, some functions may be disabled for various reasons (update, revision, etc., such moments need to be taken into account).

Question: Where can I follow the status of the cheat and its updates?
Answer: Up-to-date information is always published in the topic with the cheat with the date, news is also duplicated in our Discord and Telegram channel, all the necessary links are in the description of the topic.

More cheats for various online games on our website: shophackgames.ru
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Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
Dear users and guests of the infocheats forum, we are pleased to inform you that we again accept payments through the PayPal system, we also offer many popular cryptocurrencies to payment methods, such as: bitcoin, litecoin, bitcoin cash, dogecoin, ethereum. If you want to pay by any of the above methods, including PayPal, please contact me at the contacts listed in the description or those listed below:
I answer as quickly as possible if you write me a discord or telegram.
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Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
Friends, we have started pre-New Year discounts for the purchase of private cheats. Use promo code: NY2023, in order to get a 25% discount on your purchase, enter it in a special field when paying and click the "Apply" button. Valid until January 9, 2023.

Read more about all our discounts on other private cheats in a special topic on our website:

Additionally, we also have a New Year's drawing of private cheats from the BC&CFF_Team development team, more details on our website:


Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
In honor of International Women's Day, we want to please you with discounts on private cheats.
  • 25% discount promo code: 8MARCH
Use it on the product payment page and click the "apply" button. The promo code is valid until 08.03.2023 - 23:59.


Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
Friends, holiday discounts are already available for the purchase of cheats, use the promo code:"VICTORYDAY", without quotes, specify it on the payment site and click "Apply", the price will change. The discount is available in the amount of 25%. The offer is valid on 10.05.2023.

Have a nice shopping and a convenient game!


Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
New Year's discounts are already here, do not miss the opportunity to profitably purchase activation keys!
  • Promo code: NY2024
Discount amount: 25%, activate the promo code on the product purchase page, valid until January 2, 2024, inclusive. Information on all current New Year discounts is available on our website: https://goo.su/tlDDZ.


Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
In honor of the Men's Holiday on February 23, we allocated a 23% discount on the purchase, use the promo code: C7118AF535BE4ED4

Activate on the product payment page, the promo code is valid until February 25, inclusive. For your convenience, we have collected all the current discounts on a separate page of our website: https://shophackgames.ru/topic/1707...a-pokupajte-chity-vygodno-na-shophackgamesru/.

Have a nice shopping and have a good game!


Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score