
Mar 25, 2020
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Ships in Sea of Thieves are not just vehicles, they are the backbone of the gameplay. They play a key role in battles, treasure hunting and exploring the open world. In this article we will tell you in detail why you need to buy ships in Sea of Thieves, how you can buy them and what features they may have.


About the game
Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer first-person action-adventure game developed by Rare and published by Microsoft. The game allows players to embark on a thrilling voyage across endless waters, explore mysterious islands, fight pirates and search for treasure. The main element of the game is teamwork, where each player fulfills a different role aboard a pirate ship. Traveling on the sea requires not only attention to detail, but also teamwork, because the ship is the main tool for moving around the world of the game. Everything starts with choosing a suitable ship, which will serve as a home and the main transportation for the pirate team.

Why buy a ship in Sea of Thieves?
Starting with the seventh season, the captaincy system in Sea of Thieves has been redesigned. Now each player can purchase their own captain ship rather than using a rented one. This gives the following advantages:
  • the ability to name the ship with your own name (no longer than 20 characters);​
  • progression and achievement system for captain ships only;​
  • quick sale of treasures to the “rulers” faction;​
  • saving progress on the current ship;​
  • possibility to decorate the ship;​
  • captain's log.​

How to buy a ship in Sea of Thieves?
In order to start your adventure, you need to buy a ship in Sea of Thieves. To do this you need to:
  • go to the adventure menu;​
  • select “my ships”;​
  • buy one of the available ships.​

You can choose one of three ships:
  • sloop (250,000 gold pieces);​
  • a brigantine (375000 gold);​
  • galleon (500000 gold).​

The sloop is a small ship that is ideal for two or one player. It is maneuverable, but its weak defenses make it vulnerable in combat.The brigantine is a medium sized ship that is suitable for a crew of three. It is slightly slower than the galleon, but has good combat capabilities. Finally, the galleon is a large ship for a crew of four. The sailing ship has a large number of cannons and good maneuverability, but requires great crew cohesion for effective control. It is also important that in order to buy another ship of the same type that you already have, you need to get a legendary title for your existing ship. The legendary title is earned when a ship reaches level 50 in any of these categories: gold seeker, traveler, emissary, hunter, intimidator, vagabond, hapless, guardian, servant, captain.

How do I get the Blazing Blade ship in Sea of Thieves?
In the 13th season of Sea of Thieves, the biggest and most powerful ship in the game was added - Captain Fireheart's flagship “Blazing Blade” or “Fireheart”. Its main advantage is invulnerability to fire, as well as the ability to shoot flames and fireballs. Now I'll tell you how to take control of this vessel:
  • check the horizon for thin red curls (if there are any - the event has started);​
  • follow the markers that emanate from the fireheart ship;​
  • defeat the ship in naval combat until it goes to defeated status;​
After winning, you can proceed to the captain's cabin, then vote on the captain's table in front of the Flaming Heart statue to promise the captain to take command of the ship. If done successfully, the Blazing Blade will now be yours. Upon taking control of the vessel, your previous ship will sink. You will also have a team of obsidian skeletons with you to assist in naval battles and ship maintenance. However, instead of controlling the ship, you can sink it, in which case the player receives the weapon “Blade of Souls”, the minimum selling price of which is 7000 gold.

Ships in Sea of Thieves are not only a means of transportation on the open sea and a great opportunity to express your individuality by creating a unique vessel, but also an opportunity to open new voyages of the trading company, and consequently a lot of new quests, which are available only to the owners of the captain ship.