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Whether you're a seasoned player or a complete novice just embarking on your adventure in the blocky world of Minecraft, fear not, because our carefully curated selection of mods and textures has something special in store for everyone. Prepare to witness the wonders of this pixelated universe like never before, as we take your gaming experience to new heights with our vast array of enhancements.
For the seasoned veterans, our powerful mods will open up a world of endless possibilities, adding depth and complexity to the game you know and love. Unleash your creativity and explore new gameplay mechanics, taking your skills to the next level as you conquer new challenges.
For the seasoned veterans, our powerful mods will open up a world of endless possibilities, adding depth and complexity to the game you know and love. Unleash your creativity and explore new gameplay mechanics, taking your skills to the next level as you conquer new challenges.
AimBot LegendLine:
// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by FernFlower decompiler)
package ru.hld.legendline.impl.modules.Combat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Objects;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.network.NetHandlerPlayClient;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.network.play.server.SPacketChat;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting;
import ru.hld.legendline.Client;
import ru.hld.legendline.antiNative.RenderUtil;
import ru.hld.legendline.antiNative.RenderUtils;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.event.EventTarget;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.event.events.EventPacketReceive;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.event.events.EventRender2D;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.event.events.EventUpdate;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.module.Category;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.module.Module;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.setting.settings.BooleanSetting;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.setting.settings.FloatSetting;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.setting.settings.ModeSetting;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.utils.CombatUtils;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.utils.MathUtils;
import ru.hld.legendline.api.utils.TimerUtils;
public class AimBot extends Module {
public static boolean using = false;
float diff2 = 0.0F;
TimerUtils timer;
float diff = 0.0F;
BooleanSetting selfPredict;
public static FloatSetting Fov;
float kal;
BooleanSetting swap;
BooleanSetting AutoShoot;
BooleanSetting slient;
public static BooleanSetting mods;
TimerUtils autoPredictTimer;
ModeSetting mode;
FloatSetting minCps;
FloatSetting maxCps;
public static BooleanSetting walls;
BooleanSetting autoPredict;
FloatSetting predict;
private static Object lambda$new$0() {
return mods.getVal();
private Object lambda$new$4() {
return this.AutoShoot.getVal();
public void onUpPacketRecent(EventPacketReceive var1) {
if (var1.getPacket() instanceof SPacketChat) {
SPacketChat var2 = (SPacketChat)var1.getPacket();
private Object lambda$new$3() {
return this.AutoShoot.getVal();
public AimBot() {
super("AimBot", "auto aim on players", Category.Combat);
ArrayList var1 = new ArrayList();
Client.settingManager.add(this.slient = new BooleanSetting("Silent", "aim with out client rotation", this, true));
Client.settingManager.add(this.predict = new FloatSetting("Predict", "increment of the enemy's new position", this, 0.0F, 10.0F, 5.1F, 0.1F));
Client.settingManager.add(mods = new BooleanSetting("Fov", "Fov", this, true));
Client.settingManager.add(Fov = new FloatSetting("Fov Scale", "Fov", this, 0.0F, 5.0F, 1.5F, 0.1F, AimBot::lambda$new$0));
Client.settingManager.add(this.mode = new ModeSetting("Fov Mode", "Fov", this, var1, "Rect", AimBot::lambda$new$1));
Client.settingManager.add(this.autoPredict = new BooleanSetting("AutoPredict", "auto set predict by ping", this, false));
Client.settingManager.add(this.selfPredict = new BooleanSetting("SelfPredict", "youse metod predict for you", this, false));
Client.settingManager.add(walls = new BooleanSetting("Walls", "aiming through walls", this, false));
Client.settingManager.add(this.AutoShoot = new BooleanSetting("AutoShoot", "auto shooting if you aimin on target", this, true));
Client.settingManager.add(this.slient = new BooleanSetting("AutoSwap", "auto swap to gun", this, true, this::lambda$new$2));
Client.settingManager.add(this.minCps = new FloatSetting("MinCps", "min Cps to AutoShoot", this, 0.0F, 20.0F, 16.0F, 1.0F, this::lambda$new$3));
Client.settingManager.add(this.maxCps = new FloatSetting("MaxCps", "max Cps to AutoShoot", this, 0.0F, 20.0F, 16.0F, 1.0F, this::lambda$new$4));
this.timer = new TimerUtils();
this.autoPredictTimer = new TimerUtils();
private Object lambda$new$2() {
return this.AutoShoot.getVal();
public void onRender2D(EventRender2D var1) {
this.kal = Fov.getVal() * 90.0F;
ScaledResolution var2 = new ScaledResolution(this.mc);
if (mods.getVal()) {
switch (this.mode.getVal()) {
case "Circle":
RenderUtil.drawCircle228((float)(var2.getScaledWidth() / 2), (float)(var2.getScaledHeight() / 2), this.kal, Client.getColor(), 360);
case "Rect":
RenderUtils.draw2lines((float)(var2.getScaledWidth() / 2), (float)(var2.getScaledHeight() / 2), Client.getColor(), this.kal);
case "Robot":
RenderUtils.drawRobotgui((float)(var2.getScaledWidth() / 2), (float)(var2.getScaledHeight() / 2), Client.getColor(), Client.getColor2(), this.kal);
private static Object lambda$new$1() {
return mods.getVal();
public void onUpdate(EventUpdate var1) {
this.setDisplayname(TextFormatting.WHITE + "" + this.predict.getVal() + " " + TextFormatting.RESET + this.getName() + "");
if (this.autoPredict.getVal()) {
int var2 = (int)MathUtils.clamp((float)((NetHandlerPlayClient)Objects.requireNonNull(this.mc.getConnection())).getPlayerInfo(this.mc.player.getUniqueID()).getResponseTime(), 1.0F, 300.0F);
this.predict.setVal(MathUtils.clamp((float)var2 * 6.5F / 100.0F, 0.0F, 10.0F));
Entity var27 = CombatUtils.getTerget(walls.getVal());
if (!mods.getVal()) {
var27 = CombatUtils.getTerget(walls.getVal());
} else {
switch (this.mode.getVal()) {
case "Rect":
var27 = CombatUtils.getTergetBox(walls.getVal(), Fov.getVal() * 100.0F / 5.0F);
case "Circle":
var27 = CombatUtils.getTergetCircle(walls.getVal(), Fov.getVal() * 100.0F / 5.0F);
case "Robot":
var27 = CombatUtils.getTergetCircle(walls.getVal(), Fov.getVal() * 100.0F / 5.0F);
if (var27 == null) {
using = false;
} else {
using = true;
double var28 = var27.posX - var27.lastTickPosX;
double var10000 = var27.posY - var27.lastTickPosY;
double var7 = var27.posZ - var27.lastTickPosZ;
double var9 = var27.lastTickPosX + var28 * (double)this.predict.getVal();
double var11 = var27.lastTickPosZ + var7 * (double)this.predict.getVal();
double var13 = var27.posY;
var13 += (double)(var27.getEyeHeight() + 0.1F);
var10000 = this.mc.player.posX - this.mc.player.lastTickPosX;
var10000 = this.mc.player.posZ - this.mc.player.lastTickPosZ;
double var19 = this.mc.player.posX;
double var21 = this.mc.player.posZ;
if (this.selfPredict.getVal()) {
var19 = this.mc.player.lastTickPosX + var28 * (double)(this.predict.getVal() / 4.0F);
var21 = this.mc.player.lastTickPosZ + var7 * (double)(this.predict.getVal() / 4.0F);
float[] var23 = CombatUtils.getNeededRotations((double)((float)var9), (double)((float)var13), (double)((float)var11), (float)var19, (float)this.mc.player.posY, (float)var21);
this.kal = Fov.getVal() * 100.0F;
float var24 = this.kal;
if (this.slient.getVal()) {
float var25 = this.mc.player.lastReportedYaw;
float var26 = this.mc.player.lastReportedPitch;
var25 = MathUtils.lerp(var25, var23[0], 1.0F);
var26 = MathUtils.lerp(var26, var23[1], 1.0F);
this.mc.player.renderYawOffset = var25;
this.mc.player.rotationYawHead = var25;
this.mc.player.rotationPitchHead = var26;
this.diff = Math.abs(var25 - var23[0]);
this.diff2 = Math.abs(var26 - var23[1]);
} else {
this.mc.player.rotationYaw = MathUtils.lerp(this.mc.player.rotationYaw, var23[0], 1.0F);
this.mc.player.rotationPitch = MathUtils.lerp(this.mc.player.rotationPitch, var23[1], 1.0F);
this.diff = Math.abs(this.mc.player.rotationYaw - var23[0]);
this.diff2 = Math.abs(this.mc.player.rotationPitch - var23[1]);
byte var29 = 0;
int var30 = 0;
if (var30 < 45) {
if (Item.getIdFromItem(this.mc.player.inventoryContainer.getSlot(var30).getStack().getItem()) == 278) {
} else {
if (this.AutoShoot.getVal() && this.mc.player.getCooldownTracker().getCooldown(Items.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, this.mc.getRenderPartialTicks()) != 1.0F) {
if (this.timer.hasReached((long)MathUtils.getRandomInRange(1000.0F / this.maxCps.getVal(), 1000.0F / this.minCps.getVal())) && this.diff < 1.0F && this.diff2 < 1.0F) {
if (this.swap.getVal() && this.mc.player.getCooldownTracker().getCooldown(Items.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, this.mc.getRenderPartialTicks()) != 1.0F && var29 > 35 && var29 < 47) {
this.mc.player.inventory.currentItem = var29 - 36;
if (this.mc.player.getDistanceToEntity(var27) <= 4.0F) {
if (this.swap.getVal() && this.mc.player.getCooldownTracker().getCooldown(Items.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, this.mc.getRenderPartialTicks()) != 1.0F && var29 > 35 && var29 < 47) {
this.mc.player.inventory.currentItem = var29 - 36;
this.mc.playerController.attackEntity(this.mc.player, var27);