
  1. inspectortrapget

    JS script OTV4 Keybinds & Watermark for OTC

    Keybinds and watermark in Onetap V4 style for Onetap Crack (Onetap V3) Script doesn't have obfuscation so you can take it and use in your scripts!
  2. inspectortrapget

    JS script OTC3 Cord - Free OTV3 script. Has more then 60 features!

    OTC3 Cord is a free fully featured script that has lot of interesting things inside! Fakeduck that works on official servers, Buy List, FPS Boost and much more. There's more then 60 features and also no obfuscation so you can take some of them into your scripts.
  3. inspectortrapget

    Neverlose V2 CFG for OTC V3. Free Onetap Crack configs and scripts!

    Small addition for this thread. This archive has a scripts, config and everything else to make your OTC looks almost like Neverlose V2.
  4. inspectortrapget

    JS script Neverlose V2 Visuals for OTC V3

    Script that makes your OTC visuals looks almost exactly like Neverlose. It is completely free updated version of original script.
  5. inspectortrapget

    ❤️ Bloodmoney ❤️ Onetap V3 Config. Download free OTC V3 config!

    Another one free Onetap V3 config for you guys! There's also lot of scripts in that archive so it definitely worth your attention.
  6. inspectortrapget

    [OTC V3] ? Purpura ? HvH Config. Download free HvH config for Onetap V3

    Config was made by enQ so all credits goes to him Purpura is a config for Onetap Crack (OTC V3) that has beautiful visuals and nice HvH settings.