
  1. DREDD

    Guide How to install a CS:GO Server on Debian / Linux

    Hello everyone, today we will talk about installing a server on Debian. We will need: VPS/VDS on Debian FileZilla or another FTP Putty or another SSH-client Let's start Enter the SSH-client setting (Putty).} Enter IP, default port 22 (if you changed it). Click the "Open" button. Log in...
  2. DREDD

    Source CS:GO hack | Source on Python 3.7.2

    External Hacks: Requirements: — TrigerBot: import platform from ctypes import * # # ekknod@2019 # nt = windll.ntdll k32 = windll.kernel32 u32 = windll.user32 def array_to_data(address): r = 0 for j in...