
  1. veru_cmd0

    can someone fix ziphook.us

    can someone fix ziphook.us for updated csgo? plssssssss if u have fix, put it in this thread <3
  2. DREDD

    Guide How to install a CS:GO Server on Debian / Linux

    Hello everyone, today we will talk about installing a server on Debian. We will need: VPS/VDS on Debian FileZilla or another FTP Putty or another SSH-client Let's start Enter the SSH-client setting (Putty).} Enter IP, default port 22 (if you changed it). Click the "Open" button. Log in...
  3. DREDD

    Source NoName hack CS:GO

    Not very rich and simple functionality, but a cool menu, someone can pick it up. I think for the base for your cheat you can take it. GitHub
  4. DREDD

    Source Download TheSharpestInternal — CS:GO Source on С#

    Internal Source GitHub
  5. DREDD

    Use at own risk Mercury - Free CS:GO Legit Hack

    Function: Aim Visual Skin Misc Config | VT | Download
  6. Hirandrachi

    Detected Echozy.pw (ex. Xyron)

    Current version - v1.0 CFG Path: C:/echozy.pw [/SPOILER] VT DLL VT LOADER
  7. Planty

    Use at own risk StickRPG XYO merged

    Its a pretty p cheat if you cfg it right, basically xyo with more features such as stickrpg aimbot, Rifk Visuals and a bunch of other shit, Have fun DLL: https://anonymousfiles.io/Ll0QZOWK/ Virus Total...
  8. DREDD

    Undetected Reality.pub Free HvH Cheat — Download

    Ragebot Anti-Aim Visuals Misc *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  9. DREDD

    Changing crosshair color — CS:GO

    — How you can easily change the crosshair color (and outline color) without using any convars? — To do this you need to hook DrawSetColor from ISurface at index 15, then you check if the crosshair is being drawn and then you return your own color. void __fastcall hk_drawsetcolor(ISurface*...
  10. DREDD

    Source Download source CS:GO Aristois[Remastered] — Spuri_legit

    Spuri_legit RageBot LegitBot Visual Misc SkinChanger Git: https://github.com/tonti666/spuri_legit
  11. DREDD

    Source Download source CS:GO cheat Ayyware[Remastered] — Epic-ayyware

    Functional: LegitBot RageBot ESP Skinchanger(Knifechanger doesnt work) Misc *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  12. DREDD

    Fast Bombplant

    This function will help you set the bomb much faster. Without this fix, in order to planting a bomb, it was necessary to run through a significant part of the site, but now this will not happen. Before After void FixedBombPlant(CUserCmd* cmd){ if (!(cmd->buttons & IN_USE) &&...
  13. DREDD

    Source Electrix — CS:GO Source

    Internal CS:GO Cheat. Based: https://github.com/danielkrupinski/Osiris Function: LegitBot BunnyHop Config System *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  14. Vindib

    Undetected Free Cheat INJECTOR by V1ND18

    My injector for cs:go Inject method - ManualMapping The injector is written in c# This Injector does not work with protected dll This is my old injector. I'm leaking because I lost access to the source code. App design and country flag's matches are random:kappa: *** Hidden text: You do not...
  15. DREDD

    Source CS:GO hack | Source on Python 3.7.2

    External Hacks: Requirements: — https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3....mbed-amd64.zip TrigerBot: import platform from ctypes import * # # ekknod@2019 # nt = windll.ntdll k32 = windll.kernel32 u32 = windll.user32 def array_to_data(address): r = 0 for j in...
  16. DREDD

    Undetected Gamersclub ByPass

    Personal method to bypass GamersClub's AC. As everyone knows, GamersClub's AC is no different from the other ones, it has its own driver to protect the process, doing so we can't read/write from usermode. The workaround that used here is pretty simple, by injecting into Steam's process We was...
  17. DREDD

    Source Download source CS:GO HVH cheat — NoName pasted

    Function: ⸰ Legit ⸰ Rage ⸰ Anti-Aim ⸰ Visual ⸰ Misc ⸰ Skins GitHub
  18. DREDD

    Metallic Chams — CS:GO

    Since it looks pretty cool, I decided to share chams with you static IMaterial* pMatGloss = g_pMaterialSystem->FindMaterial("models/inventory_items/trophy_majors/gloss", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER); //you can create your own material to really make it shiny, but i like this subtle one After...
  19. DREDD

    Undetected Free Cheat CS:GO — Interception [Fake Duck]

    Aimbot ESP Chams Glow ESP Misc Config system Menu: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. DREDD

    PPHUD Full Legit config PPHUD

    Cfg is created for all players without exception (both for non-prime and for prime accounts) Actually, I play on prime with this cfg (my resolution is 4: 3 1280x960) Everything is as legitimate as possible. Download